
Nah let’s start with John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies. Then, let’s start with white history. Then, let’s just eliminate white people from the planet. Then, there’ll be peace and civility. White people are and have always been THE PROBLEM. You’re fucking cancerous leeches that will be eliminated before you kill

Double points because she’s the absolutely perfect example of why repealing DACA is so needlessly destructive for reasons beyond the social impact.

I KNOW! If he were a white boy people would be bending over backwards to punish the bullies but, no.

She’s probaby being very careful with her words. When you speak on racism there are often a lot of people wanting to tell you how it ain’t true.

Tricking a kid into putting a rope around his neck and shoving him down so that it chokes him is not horseplay. It’s not youthful exuberance. It’s not ‘boys will be boys’. It’s what you call a fucking WARNING SIGN. The kids that did this are sociopathic. It’s probably a combination of shitty parenting, their own

seriously? terrifying? that’s dumb.

When I was 14, I made a lot of mistakes. You know what “mistake” I didn’t make? ATTEMPTED FUCKING MURDER. SMDH

Hanging of a black child in 2017 is categorized into boys will be boys/white children are our future then “upgraded” to a POSSIBLE hate crime.

At least Jobs’ corporate propagandist routine was less...overtly dystopian?

Its like a wiretap you paid for!

I use the term (alpha male) in reference to domineering men who grew up with a chip on their shoulder always willing to push against the consensus of going along to get along. But if it is truly meaningless I can’t imagine a more appropriate term to replace it.

I’m pretty sure being surrounded by people saying racial slurs has never once made me want to say a racial slur.

Yeah, can we please stop holding literally the most influential gaming personality on literally the largest video platform accountable for his constant terrible bullshit? That seems like the decent thing to do, to me, a decent and sensible person

Can we please stop covering this shithead now?

I don’t think the author was advocating for making unwanted but ultimately consensual sex a crime. She’s simply saying that we need to discuss these problematic sexual dynamics because they are fucked up and make people feel like shit. I’ve had plenty of terrible, borderline nonconsensual sexual encounters that I

Agreed! I don’t think we need to redefine rape. I think we need to figure out why it’s easier to say yes to a sexual request than do what is right for ourselves. This is certainly not a linear question.

It’s almost like she’s experienced a lifetime of being told it’s her moral obligation to make people feel good and that it’s selfish to do what is right for her.

I call bullshit. Men are well aware when women aren’t fully into the act. They choose to go ahead anyway. That shit is on them.

Wow there are a lot of aggressively shitty commenters here. I’m kind of surprised there are people who don’t grasp that people can be pressured to do things they don’t want to do. They might not be able to do anything about it legally but that doesn’t mean there are no emotional and psychological effects. People can

I don’t disagree that she consented and this is a case of regret and not rape.