
Agree with Mrh and SIP, never experienced a failure mode that I’d describe as “contact degradation.” It’s unclear whether the poster means contact corrosion (chemical process) and the resulting loss of signal or physical wear as RC identified, meaning loss of or damage to the contact through wear or abrasion.

Agree with Mrh and SIP, never experienced a failure mode that I’d describe as “contact degradation.” It’s unclear

I agree completely.

Well explained, great contextualizing. I appreciate the effort you put into this clear and useful explication. Our family having owned and operated a Chinese take-out restaurant, I can testify that indeed, brick and mortar food service concerns are some of the most demanding business to run. That said, once you have

That’s the rub, isn’t it?

So, what’s the point here?

Good point.

Thank you for taking this responsible action, Beth. It seems that an over reliance on a singular source because the host is engaging or the research click-worthy is, at the end of the day, a risky endeavor.

Thanks to all the respondents!

Thanks to all the respondents!

We’re in the market for a new disposal to replace the Insinkerator that came with the house. Does anyone one have comparative experience with the two brands?

We’re in the market for a new disposal to replace the Insinkerator that came with the house. Does anyone one have

Second on the lead holder.

To be fair, this was posted in the KinjaDeals sub-blog and at the top of this article as well as the linked article you mentioned, there’s a pretty clear disclaimer.

To be fair, this was posted in the KinjaDeals sub-blog and at the top of this article as well as the linked article

I think there’s a menu option for that, um, feature.

all your comms are belong to us

I don’t think I’ve ever used the word “epic” as a descriptor for any post on any Gawker blog, but this is epic.

A person after my own (engineering sensibilities) heart.

A person after my own (engineering sensibilities) heart.

I don’t use any prescription aids but melatonin does me wonders. I don’t usually deploy unless 3+ hours from my base timezone.

Make it triple and we gotta deal.

I’m as surprised as thedotmack that no spinners made it to the final five. Also, surprised at the level of discord in a thread about luggage. Wow.

I’m as surprised as thedotmack that no spinners made it to the final five. Also, surprised at the level of discord

I’d rather be looking at the same old articles for another 8-12 hours than read this kind of waste of space.

Wow, that’s quite the routine. Seems very complete and multifaceted.