Is it just a fetish object?
So sayeth the Coppertop
The Vieux Carre sounds delectable.
As long as you’re not using the asbestos-fortified talc, you’re probably going to be fine.
Absurd. If you have a 10" chef’s knife (or any knife of similar length, including a serrated bread knife) you can easily slice 3-4 peeled bananas at once. Does anyone vet these “tips?”
I must be a pretty jaded air warrior, or minimalist. In all cases, hand sanitizer, minty gum, and tunes on the iPhone. On flights 3 hours or under...nothing extra. Under 6 hours, add a movie on the phone, eye drops, lip balm, bottle of water (because dry air and dehydration suck some of the life out of you). Under 9…
I’m a heavy flier (United 90%, American 5%, Delta/other 5%). I started out trying a ton of flight tracking (FlightStats, etc.), trip planning (TripIt, TravelTrackPro. etc.), as well as the airlines’ apps. Let’s just say it’s a generally poor state of affairs 5 years on.
I own (purchased, not received free for review) quite a few Anker products from backup batteries and car chargers to cords. I picked up a few of the Lightning and MicroUSB cables a few months ago and have been very pleased.
I own (purchased, not received free for review) quite a few Anker products from backup batteries and car chargers to…
I find that anything I lay on a wire rack tends to slide. How do you keep that from happening? Do you put a SilPat between the two?
...transfer of heat energy to the bottom...”
Fair points. We own an All-Clad roasting pan it’s great but, yes, expensive perhaps out of proportion to its actual function.
I haven’t seen Tetsujin 28, but as a young’un I loved drawing Gigantor.
I use Blue and Samson USB mics for recording webinars but they are also an incredible improvement for Skyping or conducting GoToMeetings. Much better even than a good quality headset mic.
I use Blue and Samson USB mics for recording webinars but they are also an incredible improvement for Skyping or…
Satirical, precisely right. It’s beyond “...half mat...whole mat...fistful of rice” not just in degree, but in quality.
the best singing comes when the performer isn’t trying to do cartwheels or lighting themselves on fire
I can’t say I like the evolution of the design. It just seems a techno-mess with odd angles, bizarre kinks, and pointless planes. Perhaps I’m old school, or maybe because I owned an ‘02 WRX for over a dozen years, but this, for me is the epitome of distinctive WRX character. Rally lights optional :) Of course, nod and…
I can go with more human-like. But until they come with a robotic hand that can flip you the bird I won’t consider them fully human.