
Mmmm, marshmallows. But it was volcanic ash that did the Pompeiians, not lava.

The article states "the brew(ed coffee) doesn't touch the grounds while it's [brewing]." How exactly does this happen? The only non-contact method I can think of is osmosis through a membrane I'm pretty sure we're not getting that here.

You're right on...except that the 10-24 is much wider in result than the extra 8mm might suggest. At the wide end, it's not so much fisheye effects that are the issue, but rather hard to correct anamorphosis distortion at the periphery of the frame. This is the distortion that can make a head look oval and normal feet

ri59, I'm sorry, but this is a bit misleading without being entirely inaccurate (Beckfield's post). Please see the link that Musashi66 posted for an informative writeup.

Well, let me just hit two key points.

I've owned the 18-200VR f/3.5-5.6 since it was released and have shot the heck out of it (over 18K shutter activations). For sheer flexibility in shotmaking, it can't be beat. That said, I also carry and use the 10-24 f/3.5-4.5 and 35f/1.8 as well and they each have their very strong applications. Now, I'm not a pixel

Good on you! I started using a standing desk because it's quite popular at the home office in Stockholm. Now go all the way and drop the keyboard/mousing surface down to belt buckle level. :) This will set your elbows and wrists closer to a neutral (read "relaxed") angle and help keep your shoulders down to minimize

So he's able to do all the things he needs to do in the shower, one handed? ALL the things?

Interesting. Sort of jibes with this report in the NY Times: []

@balls187: "The problem is, Google is expecting you to think like them, instead of Google thinking like you." You raise some salient points about the complexity of Wave('s back end). And, as an engineer, I agree that we tend not to be the most artful, user-oriented breed, often getting absorbed in the technical

@ZombieWhisperer: We've used the plastic shrink covers every winter since moving into this 20-year old house. They are particularly effective when there is an air leak around the frame. On windy days, you can actually see the sheet bow out, puffed up like a balloon from the pressure. Installed and shrunk properly,

@Barbas: The Forschners are economical enough so that you could buy their 8" chef's and 12" bread for under $60, shipping included. If you can only spend about $30, then the plain-edged chef's would be the far more versatile. And remember, with a properly sharpened plain edge, you'll be able to do nearly anything you

I have several Forschner Fibrox knives in my kitchen and they are perhaps the best value in kitchen cutlery. They cut well, sharpen readily, and hold an edge admirably for $30 knives. And the handle material provides a super secure grip even when drenched in juice and oil. As for sharpeners, I use a Chef's Choice 120