
That kid is THE BEST

Those eyes! Oh God, those eyes!!!

Wait, so Queenie doesn't get any points for the line "Bitch, I will eat you!" That's got to be worth at least 20 points, no?

Tilda Swinton comes to me in my nightmares. I have recurring visions of her the entire next day. She frightens me. So much.

Joseph Finnes is doing a lot of TV. He was on "American Horror Story" last season and starred in a show that lasted one season, "Flash Forward". I think he's done some other stuff, too. I think there's a reason he doesn't act in movies much...he's terrible.

The girl on the left, the one with the blue hair, has tiny dolphin teeth. Sorry, I hate to tooth shame anybody. And maybe it was just a bad camera angle. But it was distracting to me.

I'm sorry, but the baby comment was genius. Genius!!

I grew up in a town not far from Steubenville. My nephew's high school football team visited the town several times. Make no mistake...the people of Steubenville are horrible. They're not innocent, small town people who were victimized by writers, Anonymous and Roseanne Barr. They created a culture within their town

Didn't Madonna used to do ads for H&M? I think she even had a clothing line for them. She's certainly not a junior. So is H&M a juniors-only store or do they hire middle-aged women to try to attract juniors? I would have called BS on that idiot H&M employee.

I watched that, too. I don't know why I put myself through it because every moment with Joe Francis made me want to throw up. Seriously, there is just a huge, sucking sinkhole where his soul should be. I knew he was awful because of the Girls Gone Wild series but I thought perhaps he had some redeeming qualities and

He has dolphin teeth

Ladysauce, she's the one that turned me gay!

And it's autographed, no less!

My dog does that too! I used to think it was some mystery dog behavior that humans misinterpreted as a smile because animals can't just be animals, they have to be human-like animals. But then a dog trainer said that the behavior of showing her teeth in a smile-like manner really was like a smile. She said that when

I went down a water park speed slide once. For those of you who don't know what this it, it's a slide that is about four stories high and drops at, like, a 65 degree angle. I flew down that fucking slide like I was shot out of a cannon. The force of the water drove my bathing suit up my ass and, at the same time,

I watched the trailers from this movie for the first time this morning and I can't stop watching. Seriously. Go to the movie's website and watch them. Now.

I was going to "star" this discussion anyway but when I saw the name "BurgessMegadeth" I just *had* to do it. I wish I could "star" it twice - once for the comment, and once for the name.

I love Swisher. I love the Indians even more. But "Brohio"? No. FUCKING. Way.

I think you're right about that. He just became a caricature. He went from being a smarmy kiss ass to a smarmy kiss ass with a shady past and a criminal friend who targets old women. Oh, and he's gay...but he might be wooing Joan. And he's cunning enough to get Pete kicked out of Detroit. The character is just all

So, is Bob Benson an accessory to murder? Was he in on Manolo's plan to target Mrs. Campbell's fortune (which she didn't have)? If he was, that - along with his cunning take down of Pete in front of the GM guys - is quite chilling. And are he and Joan really just "buddies"? I feel like Joan is the type of woman who