
*Made In China!

I legit don’t know how much longer I can pay attention. It’s literally starting to affect my health. The anxiety that this man and his supporters cause me every day feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest while stabbing me in the ears.

Trump supporters literally do not care that Trump is enriching himself. He’s a businessman, that’s his job to do business and make money. Who cares! Are you someone who hates success? America is going to be so successful under him, only a total cuck would care that Trump’s going to make himself even more rich because

That name is my name too!

While I appreciate Pennywise’s stance towards foreign relations, I do think he needs to tone down his strident anti-turtle rhetoric.

Hands down. He’s loves gathering intelligence, he’s strategic, he knows all about infrastructure —mainly water works, but still —he’s probably pro-choice and I bet his thoughts on Muslims and immigration are more progressive ...

Pennywise would make a better president. “Yes, I may be an intergalactic spider from space that subsists on a diet of the souls of children, but even I understand the importance of maintaining a tentative diplomatic relationship with China to protect our economic interests on the world stage. This go it alone

Believe it or not, “Musket Guy” Joe Walsh has been quite vocal the past few weeks about these things.

Can’t wait to use it against Trump:

I wish these old men would just die off already. FFS they all look like Senator Palpatine’s last dying breath before the dark side takes over.

Never stop doing this James. Seriously.

Now playing

This is OT, but it pissed me off so much that I had post. Rick Santorum’s response to the question at the 26 min 25 sec mark was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard.

Well, even if this whole thing just ends with Trump still becoming president, at least it will highlight the fact that he has no mandate. And if the House puts him in power, those assholes will be responsible for whatever fuckups he inevitably causes and won’t be able to sit out the controversy.


He wrote like he was running out of time.

Actually, you are not correct in that claim. It’s pretty clear that the electors are there to stop any people elected who they feel are not fit.

I think electing a terrifyingly self-absorbed reality star to the highest office in the land sets a FAR more dangerous precedent. The framers embedded this flexibility *precisely* to allow electoral voters leeway to save us from these sorts of abberational horrors.

Every few years something like this reminds me that I’ve never tasted Miracle Whip and I smile.

Yep, and this one’s a Republican. If my only two choices were Trump or Kascich, I could live with Kacsich.