
Honestly maybe you should just give him a pass. Sometimes when I open my dishwasher I wonder why the other people in this house even bother putting stuff in there. It all has to be rearranged.

You don't have any actual fucking idea of what you're talking about, do you? Try to get out a little more.

I might kind of agree with you except you needlessly single out Lake Superior as somehow being the backwaters of anywhere, which betrays not only elitist fuckery but a preschool-level naïveté of geography.

Man, that Minnesota story was peak Minnesota.

I rather like this "fuck all y'all" version of Obama we're increasingly seeing as he approaches the end of his presidency.

tried to convince me that I am also a libertarian

Oh good. I could see ignoring Joan (Cause they've never liked her anyway), but not Harold Ramis.

Harold Ramis died right before last year's Oscars, and he was included then.

.....Harold Ramis wasn't in there? Wow...I could have sworn he was...or maybe I just expected him to be there.

THEY LEFT OUT HAROLD RAMIS TOO? I was already enraged by Joan and Elaine's omission, but this is just the cherry on top of a bullshit sundae if you ask me.

I feel that way about Jason Bateman. (And yes, I'm kind of old)

That was Mark Mothersbaugh you crazies, not Elvis Costello! And don't forget Batman.

Having lived in our cold as fuck state for most of my life, let me just say that MN Nice = SHADE.

She just had a Crunchy allergy, thats all.

Do you suffer from *headdesk*?

Didn't make it to the engagement part (she broke up with me out of nowhere before I had the opportunity to actually propose) so I'm not sure if it counts, but Zales let me return it and the woman who was taking care of it was cool enough to let me hide in the back for a minute when I had a minor breakdown after a

The engagement ended. What did you do with the ring?

I'm seeing lots of glitter bombs in New Hope's future.

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."