I know, that's what I'm saying.
DC Universe started out as a sub FYI.
PSN release on PS3/Vita will have cross-play support w/ deathmatch & co-op support.
Yes! Online co-op! That was the best part about Duke 3D on XBLA! I really hope the Vita release will have online multiplayer too! Any news on that Vita release, btw?
I'd clap but I can't.
The only film i care about is bioshock....AND ITS GONE D:
Hello, may I introduce you to our friend Gawker Media and its plus one, content aggregation?
Totilo, I've never really had an issue with your reporting, because you actually report things. Some of your staff though it seems like their jobs are just to vomit out things vaguely related to video games that they find on the internet to fill up space. I mean, if that is their job, well good for them I guess…
This may be an unpopular opinion, but some of my friends and I thought that Halo 4 was the best of the franchise, and miles better than anything Bungie had done. In fact, when Bungie announced Destiny, I had a friend who said "I'm just waiting for Bungie to finish working on it so Microsoft can make it better."…
I remember once entering a Black Ops hacked lobby where everyone had infinite ammo.
Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay.
Anyone else really want a full game about this? Heck, how much of the stock campaign can be played this way?
I'd even take a crappy sci fi tie in movie!
Prettiest visuals aside. I still say GTA V has the most realistic ocean physics ever done in a game. I can't wait to see it on a PC!
Can I borrow your time machine to October 2013?
It makes me pine for the "good-ol-days" where stuff like this could be flipped on and off with a cheat code. For some reason as consoles and games advanced, developers stopped putting cheats in. Or worse, they started charging for them. Often times playing through the game with as many crazy cheats enabled as was…
Just comes to show you can do some truly crazy things with modded systems. Though people tend to fiddle with home consoles less because of the fear of voiding warranty or getting caught and having your account stricken. Some online games that aren't heavily overlooked does have game changing mods running. So many…