
Elder Scrolls isn't deep, it's broad. It has a lot of things to do, and that's what brings the appeal to people. There are a lot of systems and dynamics that can be exploited.

Nintendo should be paying 4J a large sum of cash to get on a Wii U version right now. It's what Microsoft (and presumably Sony) did, and look how well it worked out for them. Sadly that move is confusingly missing from Nintendo's playbook. :\

Here you go (one of a bazillion resources out there):

Because I don't care if I'm the only one. I care if people would like to explain to me the appeal of the game, since people seem to like sharing things they enjoy, and I honestly would like to understand and appreciate games I currently do not understand or appreciate. Is that such a bad thing?

No. Because Legos had sets and instructions, and then I'd have a bunch of little people and we'd pretend to do things.

People laud Elder Scrolls for being "deep" but it's just go point A + B divided by C. Here are the scripted variables and everything else you do? Things that we know you do but don't care? Doesn't matter, there's no overarching theme or consequence, it just matters what you do on explicitly specific missions and even

It's just... build stuff, the end.

I feel that with the gargantuan amount of money Mojang and 4J are making (before even considering the next gen and Vita versions) they could easily set aside a couple bucks to a hire a few developers for Nintendo consoles. It's kind of weird that one of the best platforms possible for Minecraft (Wii U) isn't getting a

I bought the game back when it was like... $10 on the PC. We're talking eaaaarrlyyy alpha.

"Hey Notch... you wanna, y'know... develop another game?"

You want the reason why Wii U isn't selling well? Because you can't play Minecraft on it. It is an OBSESSION for boys 12 and under.

I think you're now reading way too much into it.

Bubbles looks like a goldfish.

Well this happened too.

This isn't like a game company paying off a real journalistic entity. Conan isn't reviewing the games on his segment with any real seriousness. This is more akin to advertising and the audience is probably much larger than $35,000 would get you in some other form of marketing.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that if a movie, book, or music production company is promoting a product, they pay the late night show a fee to have their actors/authors/musicians appear to promote those products. In the case of actors, some of the money from the production company goes to them to meet the Screen Actor's

Makes you wonder how much Sony paid Netflix to have Kevin Spacey play PS3 and talk about how he wanted a PS Vita in House of Cards.

This is why every-time I hear news of some graphical breakthrough for smartphones gets announced my mind just goes "what's the point when everyone just plays Candy Crush, Angry birds or whatever current fad games?"

The Powerpuffs?