There's only one song called Ain't it Fun that matters:
There's only one song called Ain't it Fun that matters:
This is true for some editions and not others. I picked up the Assasin's Creed IV collector's edition for like $60 a few weeks back, but good luck finding something like the Fallout 3 Survival Edition or the Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest.
Duke Nukem Forever is one of my all-time favorite games. I can agree that it probably didn't warrant the hype & took to long, but when it came out, I wasn't expecting a great game. I wasn't happy that I was playing a great game, I was excited that I was finally just playing it.
I actually have really liked the PS4 offerings so far on PS+ (I played waaaay to much PixelJunk Shooter ultimate), but I wonder at what point they put some AAA games up there? Remember how early they gave away games like Uncharted GA on the Vita?
I hope they still have these in a week. I have money to spend in my Paypal account, but they don't take paypal. That's pretty stupid.
if your talking about how the sound often doesnt load for 3-10 seconds at the beginning of a match, thats in Hardline, too.
At first I thought that was the AI talking to the player, and I was really impressed, then I realized what it really was.
Check your order history on your origin account. It's not showing up for me in my games list, but it's confirmed on my account through my order history.
and PSN is crashed out.
Reminds me a bit the non-shooting stuff from GTA V.
So I wonder if this will serve as sort of a tech demo to Battlefield 5 and/or Bad Company 3? I wonder what kind of scale this game will be.
So I wonder if this will serve as sort of a tech demo to Battlefield 5 and/or Bad Company 3? I wonder what kind of scale this game will be.
maybe its a callback to the 2007 Duke Nukem Forever teaser?
The Audio mixups are the best. Some of them you can tell are by things being listed alphabetically in the production truck, and someone pushing a wrong button or clicking on a wrong item or whatever. One time a guy named Muhammed Hasaan had Charlie Haas's music play for a few seconds. It was extra funny because Haas'…
I wouldn't mind that type of game as a $15 expansion pack/ stand alone game.
they announced it would be renewed for season 2 almost after the first episode.
it is the least impressive game I've ever logged 200+ hours into.
the DLC will be paid. They mean you can play the "base version" (ie, what you'd be getting now if you payne money for the game), but the DLC costs money.
what is worse is that system was introduced to prevent people from copying a save and using a friend's save to get achievements, but sometime in 2010 or 2011, Sony changed how the PS3 did saves and you could no longer use a save from a different profile as your own, yet they kept the protected save system in place.…