
So, it's not touched on at all in the article, but I presume that these kinds of things are limited to PC gaming only, I know there are probably people who can hack various console games, but it's a lot harder than "run program while game is running".

it's so stupid when they censor controllers. that just makes it more obvious as to what controller it is. Sony did it to the Duke Nukem Forever launch trailer at the end when he holds up a controller that is supposed to look like an Xbox one.

Hehehe, "Cocked' hammers..

My only dissapointment with PS+ is they rarely have awesome deals on PSP games. I know it's kind of last gen now, but c'mon, I got Killzone 3 multiplayer for $7.50 after a half of deal becuase of PS+, why can't I get PSP games on Plus for that cheap?

If it's a game that has an online pass, yes it does. although, to my knowledge, none of these games have online passes. I don't think it includes all of the DLC, but it might for some of the older ones.

The character reminds me of Sean from the Saboteur.. probably just the coat and the hat.

Don't worry, if you get the console version, you don't have to worry abou... wait, PC ONLY?

I'm glad that they have a somewhat legitimate reason "We track all of your stats and stuff" as opposed to Diablo 3's reasoning of "Because, Fuck you, that's why".

IIRC, didn't it have a ridiculously short respawn timer?

the bit at the end where all the soldiers lined up in a row over the logo reminds me of The Expendables.

does anyone else hopes this happens with the WWE Games franchise?

If you upgrade, get Madden 11. Madden 12 is awful.

They had (at least in Madden 08) all of the NFL films music as menu music in addition to the normal EA TRAX songs.

This. It would probably be unrealistic with how much it would cost and hard to implement fully, but imagine if they had a fully realistic broadcast approach: you play a sunday night game, SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL ON NBC: Chris & Al have the call, if you play an NFC game, it's NFL ON FOX with: (Insert guys who commonly

Confession: I actually liked Bioshock 2 better than Bioshock 1.

Those are some amazing backgrounds and skyboxes of places that you'll probably never be able to go to in game.

I'll give you this about CD: It's definately a love it or hate it album. Critic and fan reviews seemed to either say it's great, or sucked. I'm in the great category, and I'll tell you, it takes repeated listenings before it starts to set in.

Trading in a game for a profit is one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment you can have. I bought The Orange Box for PS3 on Amazon for $15 and Gamestop gave me 20 for it.

"...released their first game Kingdoms of Amlaiejfoiwepjf.. Amular."

No. Duke Nukem Forever was remarkable average. It didn't suck, It just didn't live up to the somewhat unfairly high expectations people had for it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.