
Does that mean if I get Forza 4 I can get gummi bears AND oreos with it????

"Sounds are waves. The Fourier Transform analyzes a given wave, and produces the equivalent of its audio opposite."

Seriously guys, my schedule is packed with commenting on 4 or 5 other sites that are suggesting pranks that I just can't fit into my busy life. After I finish this reply I'll have to go reply to all the other replies. You're damn right I don't have time for pranks, when all my time is consumed by telling random

I really just don't have the time for this. May 21st will be like any other Saturday.

What a great idea! Maybe I can get these lunatics....err Christians to donate their unneeded TV's and petty cash.

I bet the meeting went something like this:

So far we are up to 0.0000921*c (17,180 mph)

Yeah it was the same as the Paso quake. I forget what they had named it back then. But yeah, it was only a 6.6 I think. Weak sauce.

Exactly, and the San Andreas is really no where near the Central Coast. It's way inland, although in 2003 we did have a big one in Templeton.

My hometown is about 50 miles from there: Atascadero, CA 93422

"By Jove! Flannigan and his crew of handsome gents are taking a photography print without me once again! I shall not again be dismissed from partaking, for I, William Pan Hoondlebush will craftily sneak myself into the portrait by peering through the canvas like a clever fox would peer into a lowly defended hen house!"

Not quite Evil Boss.

How many Mac viruses do you come across? I mean honestly. If I'm so uninformed then please enlighten me, I download plenty of risky stuff and yet no problems there and from my definition, getting "hacked" is not the same as downloading a virus (regarding the Pwn2Own comment).

If you have a Mac you don't need Anti-virus. If you have a PC on the same network as you, you still don't need anti-virus on your Mac (the PC does). If you're computer illiterate and you aren't good with computers you don't need anti-virus on your Mac.

Your wiener's too big. Just takes you straight to the bottom. Sorry bro, us big wienered dudes got problems.

iPads my friend.

Monkeys and candy canes.... but mostly monkeys.

Gravity. You Can't Explain That!

No need to update to SL. Just install Lion over Leopard.

Apple will have to distribute this thing via a disc image, unless they've reworked being able to install an OS without needing a restart.