
FUCK YES! This girl is a role model. This is what we need to reach the best equality in society we can; don’t try to bring down an arbitrary equalizer, but EMPOWER INDIVIDUALS.

The mid-stage power up your referring to was USSJ, bulky, potentially as much destructive power as SSJ2 but severely lacking in stamina, and speed. Vegeta also attained this form soon after, before unleashing Big Bang Attack on Cell.

Ultra Instinct is a form that Gods of Destruction strive to attain, according to how

This is the best. Come March I expect to be in there unleashing my Blanka once again, this time with this ungodly outfit.

That hot take from BitterBubblegum, damn.

The days seemed so much longer when you didn’t have the internet in your pocket.

They gated the final boss of the Banjo games by Jiggie’s as well. Sounds like this game checks out as a Rare throwback, which sounds good to me.

Hell yes!

Just though I'd toss it out there; I just checked and it doesn't seem to be available to Canadians yet; only an option to "add to wishlist" on Google Play, and non existent on YouTube. I would assume Xbox would be the same, but can't check as I'm not an Xbone owner...

I was unaware such a fan project existed! Would you happen to have a link handy?

God damn, Kirk. That is some serious sax.
Thanks for this mention, I never was big in the sega scene in the saturn era, and only ever got ahold of this one at random blockbuster kiosks during the game/systems release year.

Probably will go back and check this out now, emulator or not.

I know those feels, man.

It wasn't topped until one winged angel from FFVII, which was the first time non-midi based music became a real selling point for video games.

There is no reason that marijuana should be banned for misuse while alcohol kills innocent people daily.

Nope, just makes you a smoker of lots and lots of ink, in addition to the 0% of ink that you thought you'd be smoking before you sparked that up. Congrats.

This is the absolutely most true and unbiased statement in this entire thread.

Richard, have you considered trying Helix Mod for the unintended 3d effects? I'm pretty sure they have a patch for dishonored. Its a community dedicated to using a dx9 injector made by a guy called Helix, to fix unintended graphical anomalies that pop up in when running games in stereo 3D that weren't fully optimised

Lol'd @ 2:20

I think, as I said before, that what they are trying to do is urge people to go into the community forums for the games that they have/need cards for, and find other players to trade with if you don't already have the friends on your list with the cards you need.

I guess mileage may vary; I've only had a game with no drops left since maybe a few days before the trading card beta was over and it officially launched, but I've gotten 2 packs so far.

Booster packs, dude. Not too hidden of a feature either, just need to click that "How do I earn more card drop(s)" link that is at the top of every badge progress bar to find out about them. Once you've earned all your card drops for a game, that game becomes eligible for a booster pack drop, which is 3 extra cards

But if you don't turn off your machines, you'd hope to assume that you keep them in a well ventilated/open area, and if not, you keep the space quite dust free.