In NYC, our system is so ancient you can see “T. Roosevelt wuz here. Taft smells” scrawled out on a bench or a wall in some random station.
In NYC, our system is so ancient you can see “T. Roosevelt wuz here. Taft smells” scrawled out on a bench or a wall in some random station.
Its interesting that Devs and this show are running simultaneously with the emphasis they seem to put on a deterministic universe
Spending $20,000 on a couch is also stupid.
To be fair it has been a decade since I have read the books and there is a lot more to it than I went into. A lot. Those books are a lot.
Claire Daines also is confusing to follow in the dark and being able to tell if she’s going to stop or turn or what.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Damnit. I want this. To me this thing is cooler then any 6+ figure car I’ve ever seen (in person or in print). I never felt bad that I couldn’t afford the latest Ferrari quatrofolienflameblowupanello or whatever but the want for this thing right here is emanating from deep within my loins.
There is no Danish. Only Thule.
I’ve been a Brit Marling, Zal Batmangli, and Mike Cahill fanboy since Another Earth and The Sound of My Voice.
I only watched the first season, and I didn’t mind the finale too much, but I really didn’t like any of the “present day” stuff - the band of misfits finding each other and overcoming their blah blah blah bleep blorp - and unfortunately that took up half the season. Her story and all the stuff about spiritual…
accurate. The first season had its hooks in me, it was well made, the characters were good, I enjoyed the storytelling aspect, and the super weird shit that was happening, and then they tried to stop a school shooter with interpretive dance and it was ironman 3 all over again.
Didn’t watch season 2, had very little…
I’m glad you were finally able to find a way to channel all that pent-up anger.
In Randall Colburn’s defense,”pants-shittingly” can cover a wide range of pant shitting, from a violent, uncontrolled flood to a little toot with a bonus peanut.
I can’t see the results of the survey after voting, which sorta stinks.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to just give us season 3 of "Happy?"