Righteously cool but HOLY CRAP 935 pounds—what's that in dollars like 2k?
Righteously cool but HOLY CRAP 935 pounds—what's that in dollars like 2k?
Will Smith & Co. are actually Silurian descendants and the year the film takes place is 1902.
I was thinking around these same lines to try to justify it, but if you look at Libarithan's comment upthread about the crime not being reported the whole earring thing really makes that whole subplot fall apart.
I hadn't even thought of it from the reporting-the-crime angle but you're totally right.
It was a nice moment when Peter succumbed to Olivia's speech about love and cut out the brain mite, but I was disappointed: I wanted to see Peter's anti-Windmark Rube Goldberg plan realized.
This episode seemed off all the way around. It was badly written; all the dialogue made me groan, especially Coma Guy.
Yes, Mitchell tracks. I think I'd prefer that it was him over Khan, frankly. I'm just not sure there's anything left to do with Khan.
OK that looks pretty cool, Cumberbatch is the shit I think we can all agree, but I have to say I'm getting a bit fatigued with lava planets, and most especially lava planets where people are walking around where they would really be instantly incinerated.
I miss the goddamn Y2K. I wish that had been a real thing. Now that would have made for a cool apocalypse: everything fucked up, but not so fucked up that you'd probably be dead and thus couldn't enjoy it.
My suspicion is that the episode was probably filmed before Disney even bought SW; there's no reason that couldn't have been done previously. Lucas always allowed stuff like that to happen—even Family Guy had permission for its parodies.
OK, cool, but how do you get the oldschool Cylon, by your command, voice?
I believe that was episode 203, "Love machine." Enjoy.
Little kid episodes tend to bug me and this was no different, but the Barn, man, the Barn. I loved the episode a couple seasons ago with the first appearance of the Barn, and I'm really pleased they brought it back as such a pivotal element—I wasn't sure we'd ever see it again. Actually, I was sure we wouldn't.
Probably been mentioned already but the Eagle from Space: 1999 bears repeating.
I'm going to wait and watch them all at once like Pythia intended.
Illuminatus! Good call, although I preferred Schrodinger's Cat.
What you say sounds about right: from the time I started watching Next Generation I viewed it as a vastly superior and far more ethical system of civilization than the one I was living in. Decades later I'm constantly saddened by how far we are from even trying to go in that direction.
Seems like there were a couple other hints that she was hip to more about the Colorado Kid than she was letting on; she also told Audrey to stop trying to remember her blocked memories (although that was plausible because of the nose-bleeding thing). She's not a great actress but any Buffy reference wins points with…
The first couple of seasons were sketchy, with the finales being the only really good episodes. This season has improved tremendously, every episode so far has been excellent. This show does much better when dealing with the ongoing mythologies of Haven and Audrey than it does with the trouble of the week, and…
Nice. Those damn surly Daleks could use some mellowing out. But don't bogart it there pepper-pot.