
Good afternoon Mr. Trogloraptor. Let me introduce you to MY SHOE!

We had a couple of kittens materialize in the yard last year with their mom. The mom never let us pet her but the kittens would purr their asses off when petted—until we had them fixed. For months after they'd tolerate being petted but wouldn't purr. It was disconcerting but eventually the purring resumed.

This made me think of the observation that contemporary science fiction is all apocalypses and no utopias. With bullshit like this going on it's damn difficult to feel any optimism for the future at all.

Yes, the roofs are all glass like 1960s bubble cars that would open and close and cook the occupants like little lobsters.

Yes of course, I'm surprised I didn't realize that at once.

What's that grundle-crushing ring at the bottom for? Holy shit, humans are some fucked-up creatures.

Holy shit! While this will do nothing to increase the birth rate, the Singapore government has accidentally discovered how to stop overpopulation and teen pregnancy in their tracks! All the US government has to do is make a similar video encouraging coitus and all screwing will cease overnight!

Yes the blonde one reminds me of this.

Does that bitchin' porch backdrop and crates come with the robots? Actually, you could probably just change their clothes and hair and make them something cooler, a zombie band or Star Wars cantina act or some such. That blonde violin robot is pretty fucking scary already, come to think of it.

Exactly—he would not disappear, just return to a future where he had never been born.

On the subject of made-up time travel, I've always figured that time works in one direction. You could go into the past and do whatever you wanted, kill your grandfather if you chose. You'd go back to a different future where you never existed but you wouldn't disappear while in the past ala Marty McFly.

I was a little disappointed by the Lilith reveal somehow, reminded me too much of Queen of the Damned or something. But this show is batshit crazy, of that there can be no doubt.

Damn straight!

I charge some Photoshop-savvy person out there to replace this guy's face with a close-up image of an asshole and let that be the way he is known for all history.

A number of years ago I thought I was cool and gave the whole black paper/white pencil thing a try and found it to be not only a pain in the ass when a white pencil was unavailable but kind of cheesy looking.

Anybody else thinking that Vampire Tech Girl is going to turn out to be Lilith? Also I'm still waiting to read the continuing adventures of Meredith's Roommate's True Blood Viewings.

Why does this make me so angry? Granted the chance of me discovering a space object or planetary feature with my naked eyes is remote, but if I did I'd name it whatever the fuck I wanted. The first one would be IAnUs.

Correction: the line actually was, "Life is suffering, bitch." An important distinction. Please make a note of it.