So much cool shit in this trailer I'd have to watch it 100 times to catch it all. Well, I guess I better get started.
So much cool shit in this trailer I'd have to watch it 100 times to catch it all. Well, I guess I better get started.
Holy shit! That's the first movie I'm really excited about in a couple years.
OK so does anybody—and I mean anybody, CJA or a commenter or the police or anyone at all—have the offending quote from those books about a hooker facial? What was it, specifically, that was read? Doesn't sound like something Agatha Christie would pen, although I'm not a connoisseur of her work, just the Dr Who…
The sun...has an anus? And it's pointed right at us?
Excellent—I want to see the results!
I propose a new meme, similar to the recent Batman Runs From Shit, except this one is Carl Walks In On Shit. Any scene from film or television where characters are killing, dying, screwing or engaged in any other activity where the sudden appearance of a kid would be both unwelcome and a non-sequitor, just go ahead…
In a few years people will have no clue what that even means.
Huh—I read that last scene totally differently. I thought we were seeing Original Olivia and Nina from this universe who had been captured, and that Olivia trying to escape by crossing over was what was causing the Olivia who's now with Peter to have her memories (along with being dosed with all that cortexiphan, of…
But is acid snow yellow? Because we definitely don't want to eat that.
Exceptionally cool. I dig bonsai trees, tried to grow them a couple of times, bought little kits and everything. They always fucking die. Venus flytraps too, even with distilled water. Always. Fucking. Die.
McCreary rules. I wish you'd asked what ever happened to that live album of BSG concerts that was supposed to come out.
I liked this episode well enough, the Astrid stuff maybe wasn't as amazing as it could have been (for some reason I was under the impression that the two Astrids were going to make out or something) but my one big problem was that it made no sense that Prognosticating Murder Guy committed suicide-by-Olivia.
Man you read my mind.
Outstanding. She's my hero. Being a bit of a furniture-building hobbyist myself, I can safely say that making it through a project of that magnitude and saying, "fuck" only once is an accomplishment in itself.
Overall I found Reamde worth reading but the least of Stephenson's books.
I'm thinking of changing my name to The Black Flap now. Should be a new villain on Fringe.
Yes, that tracks. Good thinking.
My memory of it is that the purpose of Cortexiphan was so Olivia could cross universes without the physical damage people suffered from doing it in other ways—like the scarred Jones.
Now let's use that same spatula to make some nice cookies!