
I first read the headline as: The Haunting Nightmarescapes of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Yeah, that terrifying Cold War era foreign policy. Creepy stuff here though, very cool.

I've read a few of these back in the day, I recall the title of one was, "Her mother gave her dildoes six." Awful poetry really but made readable by all the dildo references.

Supposedly. There've been rumors about it for years. Decades, actually. I'll believe it when I'm sitting in the theater watching the Consul playing piano on the extruded balcony of his ship.

Are they sure someone just didn't forget to carry the 1 or something when they figured this out?

Elizabeth bear has two books coming out in the same month? That's some fast writing!

@madelyn2: Interesting point; for most of Blackout/All Clear I was predicting the anomalies were Dunworthy's plan to preempt the pinpoint bomb that destroyed London in 2016.

When protestors in Iran used Twitter & etc to avoid the police there, the US government applauded them. When protestors in NYC did the same thing during the G12 conference they were arrested. []

First, I just wanted to echo the sentiments of many of the others here in saying that Doomsday Book and To Say Nothing of the Dog are among my all-time favorites, and to thank you for creating them.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Great post! Your point about the book giving you a big hug & etc is well taken.

If I ever have a kid I'm going to name it Merope.

@Annalee Newitz: Cleopatra 2525 is a magnificent piece of TV; I wish I could reproduce the expression of wide-eyed wonder that appeared on my face when I came across it back in the day.

Last night I saw a segment about a new casino, the Cosmopolitan, opening in Vegas with all the requisite giant chandeliers and assorted extravagant décor. I thought, damn, in 10 or 15 years that place is going to be awesome for urban exploring, assuming that by then it’ll have been abandoned for 8 or 10 years.

I think I may need to go to Hawaii and move into the Swan, like actually live there.

So NBC has a contest where fans can suggest new villains for the Cape to fight, and here’s my suggestion: The Yawnmaster. His power is to emit gale-force yawns that blow his victims away. The Cape defeats this nefarious evildoer by being so fucking boring that he causes The Yawnmaster to yawn so powerfully he

Noses are good for sniffing with. Maybe it had something to do with that.

I like it. Usually stuff like this rubs me the wrong way but this has an authenticity I can admire. I'd worry the foam octopus parts would get stepped on, broken or wear out. Also, I can't say I have any use for an octopus chair. But a Kroll chair...?

Of course! This makes perfect sense! This explains why every horoscope for the last 2000 years has been wrong!

I love the article but frankly I think the hype is cooler than the shit.

@James Arnold: I was utterly perplexed at the end of Blackout and felt much the same way for most of All Clear, but by the end all was made clear. Well, mostly clear.