
Do we know what date the winners are going to be announced?

It was time for this show to return to the soil.

@casperknightshade: Actually I think the stadium thing was a fantasy or simulation of Clarise's.

@ditikos: Combined you have the iq of 200... or 5 apes.

@Arsnof: True, so true. Good call. I always wanted Serge to go into security mode and fuck somebody up.

@Gilese: And furthermore, I think the fucking awful BSG finale killed Caprica by leaving such a bad taste in people's mouths. I remember telling people after Daybreak I, "I hope Caprica is cooler than the flashbacks in this episode." It wasn't.

Yes, Caprica had all the elements mentioned above but none of them worked. Godfather-type mafia stories are fine if you can't predict what the gangsters are going to do long before it happens. Corporate intrigue—same thing.

I agree, one of the better SGUs, although Destiny's mission reminded me of a watered-down version of the way patterns were found in pi in Contact (the book, not the movie).

@wild7s: What about the awesome wreck of the '69 GTO and related chase at the beginning of the pilot?

I love the way this show uses cars, viz. oldschool Dukes of Hazzard peel-outs and skids on dry pavement; every time a car is put into motion or decelerated in this show there's a cloud of tire smoke. Makes me smile.

I'm amazed each week as this show gets even more riveting. Whenever Walter or Walternate says, "psychotropic drugs," everybody drink!

@lakedesire: Huh. Still can't find it at any of the usual places. Is it possible this show is so lightly-watched that no one bothered to post it? Very strange.

Hi. I'm curious about the balance you struck between the prose and the story. Specifically, did the poetic style of the narration drive where the plot went or did the concept of the dream city inform the way you wrote it?

@lakedesire: Unfortunately the kindly Canadians seem to be a little slow on the draw.

@ManchuCandidate: The potted plant seance and de-evolution to caveman episodes must be two of the worst hours of TV ever produced. But the eagles still rule.

@GeneralBattuta: I read the very end as the city expanding itself to accommodate the influx of immigrants it was expecting.

@transitnap: "Less about story and more about experience," yes, that's dead-on.

@GeneralBattuta: Which part at the end do you mean? That the city was the narrator? I kind of rolled my eyes at that.

I didn't hate this book as much as my comments will suggest. It was thought-provoking and it grew on me as I got used to the writing style. It was not a book that vanished from my consciousness the moment I set it down. But I was consistently pissed off that the brilliant premise was executed weakly.