
What I do is slice up the potatoes and put them in a bowel of salt and lemon water for at least an hour in the fridge. I completely forget what this does to them, but it has something to do with starch and ensures future crispiness. Then you put them on a baking sheet lightly drizzled with olive oil (and pepper and

Even worse is that Scott plagiarized passages directly from Zelda's letters and journals, published her articles under his own name, tried to blackmail her and publishers to not publish her work and her family set most of her paintings on fire, completely destroying them.

They never got divorced. He just abandoned her to a mental institution while he went to Hollywood to fuck around with Sheila Graham. Died eating a candy bar. And about ten years later Zelda died in a fire in the nut house. Scottie was sent away to boarding school at a very young age and neither of them saw her often.

Shane, I need a deal on an LG sound bar with HDMI. Can you find one?

Robert, most people actually smoke for the MAOIs in tobacco. This is why nicotine replacement therapies don't work for most people. They're not fiending for nicotine; their bodies need MAOIs.

I've had no problem backing up 4TB over wireless. Do you have incredibly slow speeds or something?

Don't encourage naturally inconsiderate people to rig up outdoor stereo systems to drive their neighbors to vandalism.

I've had Sprint since 98 when I got my first cell phone. I've never had a problem with service anywhere, lived in NYC and LA and drove back and forth across country usually on back roads more than ten times only losing signal in the valley of West Virginia. I have unlimited everything which kind of seems like overkill

Me, too...

Why your brother-in-law's backyard and not your sister's (or brother's) backyard?

Except, they didn't ship "free with Prime"; you paid $80. You could have bundled those same items into orders of $25 and up and paid no additional fees. Aside: did you not realize you'd ordered dental wax? They sell it in the the toothbrush section of every drug store.

It'll give you the option both in iTunes on your computer and in the iOS Remote app to choose single or multiple speakers and let you pick which you want.

What is it that you're buying so frequently on Amazon which costs less than the $25 required for free shipping that you couldn't just grab at a drugstore, gas station or supermarket? Because it looks like a ridiculous rip off from where I'm sitting. They've convinced you to pay for something which is already free.

I want the app that makes hamburgers for me.


I use TeamViewer to remote access my Macs with my iPhone and iPad. HippoRemote is also great for those with old PPC Macs because it doesn't require installation of a desktop client, just an airport card, wifi dongle and both devices on the same network.

I want a smaller phone with top end specs. My 4s is already too big for me. I have a tablet; I don't need my phone to be the screen I watch movies on and it's idiotic from a business standpoint to cannibalize their own iPad Mini sales. Not all of us are obese with XXXXL pants pockets.

No apps with ads is ahuge reason to buy it for people like me who despise ads. Thanks for the heads up about that!

I like this, thanks.

Well, at this point, most of what you'll find are "testimonials" in the form of discussions in MTHFR forums on MTHFR sites and facebook groups, etc. The autism stuff has more documentation as it's been going on longer, but for other conditions this might be considered the clinical testing phase and those of us with