
I am hoping that these cars don't fall into the hands of one these rich fags like in the pic, but into the hands of someone who deserves it such as Tanner Foust, The Stig, or anybody that can really drive..and hoon.

I think you got it. I was looking at the front bumper how it goes diagonally down to the right like your pic and the one posted in the article. Also looked at the sidelights from the front and the rear and they have very good match. Hopefully, that black sidemirror comes in white

Oregon. Has lots of scenic views, including the one in the pic, the Columbia River Highway (Hwy 30).

What part of the PCH is that in the picture? Need to know, I want to live there!

"motorcycle transmission, lol"

More than you son. Check my other comment.

Yes that was what I was referring to, the paddle shifting normally found in high-end cars for the rich. I was wondering if the shifting in manual was done through paddles rather than using the normal stick shift.

So wait, is the car using pedal shift for manual transmission or the stick shift? Just wondering since I feel using stick shift just feels better. Don't know how to really put it, but it's that feeling of using your hand and shifting up and down in all the directions quickly that makes you feel alive and active. Pedal

Yes. My iPhone has this app called iPokedex and it's distracting as hell. Its basically the entire pokedex in a digital form. I can't delete it since it is no longer on the app store. And BTW, why quit something that you're sooo good at?

Papa John isn't happy about this thread at all....

Sadly, happened anyways.....

Couldn't agree anymore with you on that comment, especially in the case of all ricers.

I checked it out and it seems very handy but its no replacement for this! <——

Quick n simple: List your top 5 favorite race tracks in GT5 or Forza 4.

Looks like both you and I are going to be at this for a while, especially with all the fallacies that you committed. So let me end this cause I know I said it before.

Unlike you, I'm MIGHT write an essay. I don't live in a fantasy world like the majority of Kotaku and you, who haven't seen a hardcore dyke in person, let alone been a real social situations in which subjects like this are brought about almost daily. Let me explain this because it really turns off a shitload of men by

Late Reply: Couldn't agree with you anymore, especially on the part that they think it's not a problem and don't see anything out of the ordinary. But damn, how can you live like that? It's just......ergh....ಠ_ಠ

" "masculine" (whatever the hell that means)"

Never played ME, but from your description I can believe you. Since you described how FemShep really is, you're right, that's not how you do a good female lead. Having her shout out masculine words and do masculine actions and do anything masculine is just wrong. It just makes her a hardcore dyke. Shit, the lady with

I believe his greatest fight was with Batman found out the Red Hood was Jason Todd. The shock an agony he went through when he fought and beat him. Gotta start reading the Black Mirror where Dick Grayson takes the mantle as Batman.