
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, that Mysterious Figure at the end of BBS was a total pain in the ass to beat. Man he's hard as hell to beat and I thought Vanitas lingering spirit was already hard and cheap enough. But no, this guy takes everything to the next level but yet again this is why I love Kingdom Hearts, the

#3 is todays BS on disc or day one DLC which you forgot

Certainly not an iPhone, that's for sure :P

Gamer: "So ok BRO, you like..gotta either qUICK scOPE him or no SCope him. You also gotta have like...akimbo something FMG9s or Models 1887s."

Who knows, maybe the original Amnesia dev is making another horror game or something else? If they are it'll be cool n Amnesia ;_; "oHHHH GOD! I think its that part from the British guys shit!"

Schumacher....for claiming to be the real Stig, when it was really Ben Collins.

I believe mine's from yesterday summed up everything and should've been #1.

Same here, I know how you feel....... Want one soooo bad just for this :(

Thanks for the nomination! Yea, I got banned there too. That Sam B. is a major D***

Thank you!

Because we are Jalopnik and not Gizmodo. We don't obsess over all things Apple (which doesn't get you laid BTW) but over the things that matter like cars, racing, anything automotive (the stuff that gets you laid). Nuff said.

How about we start a better question of the day? What is the best music for racing?

I'll leave this here....

This is sad. :( If only a proper Socom 2 sequel had been ported over with obvious improvements such as graphics, sound, networking, the diverse weapon selection and customization from from Fireteam Bravo 3 (but I hated the health regen BS), and cool extra small maps that actually work. I actually don't mind 16 vs.

I was thinking about that and the wages. But still, even if you got your money, you're still fucked and will end up in prison if the family of the victim doesn't kill you first.

$7. 7..... fucking....dollars? Really? Who still does that shit? It's not like the guy owed you a $100,000, or $1,000,000! You can make up $7 quick anywhere else! $7 is fucking chump change. The killer acted like they guy jipped/screwed him for a million dollars. ಠ_ಠ

Yes I am well aware that Tycho makes his music via computer but I should've clarified things better. What I meant was the sound quality of vinyl, it just feels right for his kind of music. I actually don't mind when people like Tycho use a computer to make music instrumentals and captivating sounds. But it just irks

Quick side note but related, Pit was always a cheap bitch in Brawl but nothing I couldn't handle, especially with Fox, Snake, Lucario, Toon Link, and Sonic. Meta Knight was also another cheap punk; f*** em.