
Its much easier once you break it down to say two dragons. If you told them one had green eyes they would look at each other and see green eyes and know that if the other didn't see green eyes they would be the one that left that night. Since they both had green though both would stay and on the island. The second day

The thing that gets me about Dr. Goodall is that she has become a mouthpiece for whoever pays her to speak. I saw her give a talk about the importance of facilities like zoos and aquariums only to turn around a month later to speak at a PETA fundraiser condemning the practices she had lauded just shortly before. Then

The scene of the handicapped kid getting run over repeatedly in The first Toxic Avenger was horrible for me as a preteen

From what I have read, someone attacks a science fair in which Tadashi is participating in and he steals the nanobots and Tadashi is killed in the escape, so If it is Tadashi at least there is someone behind it, perhaps even manipulating him with said nanobots

You should read the Novel Darth Plagueis. If you want you can just read like the first chapter at Barnes and Noble. It has a paragraph or so that almost makes midicholrians make sense.

You forgot a pretty big one. Although this link should have super spoiler warning.

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Understanding Art House | Under The Skin:

I like sauce way more than source. I think I'm stealing that from now on

Ahhh the downside of scientific articles. This is the same routine Blackfish pulls in the entire movie. People with an agenda should not be the only witnesses to your "facts" if you can get someone with a neutral stance to agree with you then it is worth 100 yes men using confirmation bias as a logical argument

As a zoologist I approve of this program!

As someone who lives in Phoenix, I don't think could even name a book set here.

Doesnt this already happen with some games. I swear one of the Assassins creed games had exclusive missions to a retailer or some shit

Best *Offensive* player

it took me from only being able to chug along on low settings to playing perfectly on High and passible on ultra.

This is such bullshit, This was the first game I've had to play on "low" settings to run effectively(I can play AC:Black Flag on ultra no problems). Install this mod and it runs perfectly on high and acceptable on Ultra......ridiculous

Heart Shaped box by Joe hill it doesn't scare you while you read it but it sits in your head and then gets you after you put the book down and go to walk down a dark hallway.

oh yeah sorry Mario kart 8 on the brain. Lol. Mario Party 10 was announced

Star Fox and Mario Party 8 were talked about in a post show

All of Larson's are pretty great, but if you want to switch it up a bit Death in the City of Light by David King is pretty great too

Historical True Crime never interested me...then Devil in the White City came along