“This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”
“This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”
Honestly I never understood the people who were in favor of the factions remaining separated in terms of grouping purposes. From a lore standpoint, the various faction leaders have teamed up time and time and time again. From a pvp standpoint, all people have ever needed to fight is one team’s red and the other’s blue.
Yeah it’s just silly to keep having these factions.... They have worked together on pretty much every end boss, and then 10 seconds after go “Oh we still hate you even though you saved me back there, derp!”
It’s like, these fucking people....do they think workers are unionising for fun? For a laugh? The history of unionisation is that it comes about when conditions for workers SUCK SO BADLY that they feel they have no other choice.
I don’t know what it is, whether its the compositing or color grading, but something makes this look cheap for some reason, it doesn’t feel like a big budget show, instead feels like one of those old direct to video type things like forward unto dawn, etc...
its funny, cliff is an infiltration specilist, he sneaks in gets info and needs to drop people quietly. and even silencers make a lot of noise. the avengers movies tend to put him in the absolute worst place for his powers, a big open area with everyone already rushing at each other.
but this was a discussion we had on…
You literally are, though, every single time any game includes a woman who isn’t a big tittied fantasy girl, here come the gamer chuds on comment threads and forums calling it “SJW propaganda” and throwing out all kinds of slurs.
Speaking as a feeeemale who likes feeeeemales I appreciate a variety of body types. I’m so tired of all you gamer boys thinking there is one canonical “hot woman” type and forcing everything into that single standard.
It isn’t all of them but it still amazes me that a surprising amount of subreddits continually hate the thing they are supposed to love talking about. They love talking about random things the community has done but anytime anything official comes down the pipe, it is just nothing but venom. I can’t even count the…
all launch missteps aside, you can’t fault them for listening and acting on that feedback. This is probably some of the best turnaround I’ve seen from a AAA studio in awhile.
Its laughable to believe Microsoft wants anything to do with Bobby Kotick or honestly the vast majority of staff at Activision.
Nah, the rank and file folks doing the work aren’t the issue. It’s a top-down problem, and the company needs new leadership. That doesn’t require burning the place to the foundation and salting the earth. It requires removing the offenders and putting people in their place that understand what needs to change about…
Maybe, but you still remove the original tumor. You sure as shit don’t just leave it there to continue metastasizing. There’s no path to wellness that doesn’t involve excision of the original source of the infection.
None of that power on screen came for free, none of it.
If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias.
Always been a fun thing in fantasy & sci fi, people are willing to accept other races like elves, orcs, goblins, asari, krogans (just naming more famous sci fi ones), with all sorts of colour. And are usually on their side in the game/book/movie. Defending them against racism, like drow that are usually looked down…
In case you were wondering how this was received:
Before problems arise, all workers should unionize.
You’re joking right?
That looks cool!
Activision/Blizzard may no longer be an innovative game company, its employees are trailblazers still. This bold and forward thinking move shows once again that the real power of an organization is in its people, rather than its C-suite and shareholders.
Here’s to hoping they succesfully unionize!