
If you think that then you entirely missed my point. I want the old content to play at my leisure. Let me decide if it’s exciting or not. I want to have way more stuff to do than I have time for. I don’t want a trimmed down experience. I don’t want an easier time.

Including other streamers who apparently need to “react” to an apology video. Like christ, seriously? You’re video is you reacting to someones apology? I mean an announcement of some kind like a song, game, or big world event? Sure. 

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

They should create a version of this where you go online and challenge other fighters in a big open world setting.

What a sad and pathetic society we live in when you have to try this hard to find something to be offended by. Do you clowns have a quota or something?

I’m an old straight white guy, and what worries me about todaytimes is that it seems like being a racist, sexist, homophobic shitbird is what passes for being transgressive to some of the youth these days. And I think that far-right extremist groups are actively involved in recruiting these kids first by getting them

This is why I hate the phrase "blood is thicker than water." The worst things that have ever been said or done to me were my family members. Why should I have to put up with that? 

Joking is actually how people feel out social norms, and test the water. Racist people tell low tier racist jokes to see how their friends react and when they get positive reactions they just keep ramping it up. They’re basically looking for people who either actively agree with them, or at the very least tolerate

That’s the thing about being ironically racist; you open up a space for the genuinely racist.  And pretty soon you find yourself surrounded by red arm bands and white hoods, insisting that you’re just doing it for the lulz.

Like when they started tying the ok hand gesture to white supremacy and then the white supremacists actually started using it, like that mass shooter from New Zealand. The line between racist trolling and racism is non-existent.

Their position seems to basically be “we’re not racists, we just wanted to see how close we could get to using the N-word in our team name because we thought that would be funny.” Even if that’s true, which I’m not exactly willing to grant, the disconnect is that using a racial slur because you think acting like a

She is probably one of the most unhappiest people I’ve ever met.

I am seeing a lot of rose colored comments in this article. While Ono did a lot of things right, he did a lot of things wrong under his watch.

62 million people voted for Donald Trump. Stupid gullible people often confuse arrogant obnoxious assholes for bold leaders.

There are always people who enjoy watching assholes because it makes them feel vicariously powerful. He’s their id. He gets to be the loudmouthed fuckbags they wish they could be, if only they had the power and the platform to do the same.

I’m not knocking streaming or people who watch it. But what’s the appeal of someone like Dr. Disrespect? Do you watch because you’re envious? Do people genuinely like him as a person/character? Is it shock value in the same vein as Howard Stern?

Like, I’ve watched him briefly a couple times to see what he does and he

Oddly enough, I found the implementation of Group Finder to be the best compromise.  Dungeon finder is easy and automated and is there for getting the hang of a dungeon still, but the Group Finder let’s you look for a group while questing while not ‘completely’ being automated.  Groups will still check your

I just want to say thank you! As a straight woman who always hated dresses, high heals and cute little accessories, found dolls scary and dinosaurs cool, I am so tired of feeling like the odd one out. Stores tell me women are supposed to like all those cute and super feminine clothes, but I don’t. I enjoy browsing

Thanks for this! I now feel comfortable starting to play this game. *downloads on switch*

thanks for this - i’ve tried warframe a couple separate times over the years and always found myself overwhelmed. maybe this time it’ll stick!