
Soon as I saw number 7, the memories of forum memes came flooding back:

Permanent infinite ammo for every weapon, even if just for the primary weapons, is actually a bad thing. Why? Because it eliminates a metric with which weapon designers can use to distinguish and balance a weapon: ammo efficiency. You can have one weapon with moderate damage but high ammo efficiency, so it relies more

It’s kind of insane how many of the disasters of the late 2000s Capcom can be linked back to Inafune, holy shit.

This is the problem with min-maxing your build, dumping all your points into Gaming Aptitude and neglecting to put anything into Emotional Maturity just leads to getting soft-locked in some scenarios.

Because,’re doing it wrong. Roguelikes aren’t about getting the “correct” spawns, they’re about taking what you can get, making the best possible decisions based on how your run is going and what you expect to be ahead, and creating crazy builds that you hadn’t planned on. It develops your ability to

The problem with Guile isn’t so much the eyes, it’s the hair and how it connects to his face; it honestly looks like his head is actually a stalk of yellow pasta with a human mask glued onto the front, which doesn’t even get into how oversized that hair is. His hairstyle isn’t that complicated, how did they screw it

It’s always good to see more advancement being made in the area of multiplayer bots: not only does it allow more potential for larger-scale battles, but it also means one team isn’t automatically doomed by rage-quitters.

Honestly, the biggest argument in favor of unionization, for every industry, is how freaked out corporations get when even hints of forming a union come up. If it’s bad for them, it’s bound to be good for you.

It was also a hot spot for informal networking at BlizzCon, three sources told Kotaku, where people looking to make inroads at the company would go to meet and hangout with some of its top designers.

Oh, Bobby. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. After all you have said and done, the dreams you have destroyed and the wealth you have hoarded and your own history of sexual misconduct, I think I speak for all of us: nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.

Having browsed a lot of “First time Mass Effect Legendary Edition playthroughs” on YouTube, the reason for so many people playing as Earthborn/Survivor/Soldier is because Mass Effect tends to be the first RPG people who don’t like RPGs have played, so they don’t think too hard about character creation: they just take

The problem isn’t so much the illusion of choice, it was an issue of the writers being unable to keep personal bias out of the scenario branches. The choice between Paragon and Renegade is supposed to be similar to the DnD alignments, where you’re always a Good character but whether you’re Lawful or Chaotic is

You do make some good points, but your evidence is somewhat questionable. I checked the link you gave and also did some searching of my own and can’t find any numbers that draw a distinction between Blizzard (the studio’s) 2020 revenue and Activision Blizzard as a whole (meaning numbers that included CoD and the

Very true, but they’ve had a lot of IPs and brand history they’ve been able to lean on, even that might not exist anymore...

It honestly feels like this might be the end of Blizzard as we’ve known it. Either they fire most of the perpetrators, which at this point feels like a solid chunk of the WoW team, or they try to sweep it under the rug in which case the public backlash (which has already been pretty furious) becomes astronomical and

In that clip from 2010, there’s a very telling line from Afrasiabi:

This is what always killed the appeal of Warhammer for me: when everyone is a murderous, genocidal asshole, it gets hard to care about the results of these battles. A variety of motives and morality adds spice and drama to their interactions, but when all the factions are some degree of evil, it just becomes white

Both the WoW forums and Reddit have gone fairly nuclear over this story, and according to internal leaks WoW’s already been seeing record user drop-off. It sounds like this might finally be the breaking point.

The New War expansion will let fans play, for the first time ever in a quest, as Corpus Engineer Veso, Grineer Soldier Kahl-175, and Dax warrior Teshin. (I don’t play Warframe enough to know who these folks are but Veso is a fun name to say. Veso. VESO.)