
You must learn the ways of the only general Hannibal feared, whose revolutionary tactics coined the term “Fabian strategy”.

Somewhat. Part of it is that we’ve already been at that point for some time. Part of it is that, while a game may start big, if the development studio can’t maintain a consistent level of quality, player burnout becomes a factor and they start moving on to greener pastures. Part of it is that, a game might seem

Then how do you explain all the other instances of similar behavior? How do explain men (and women!) making similar comments about fictional characters? Good examples that come to mind being the recent craze about the Resident Evil 8 villainess and fans going nuts over an Overwatch animation, with social media explodin

Except you see this exact same behavior in a lot of other contexts without that live broadcast element, mostly towards women but sometimes towards men; comments on videos or articles, social media posts, hell, even as small scale as the classic “catcalling at a woman on the street”. The power dynamic certainly plays

How so?

Yup, love that one. What it does is establish the offender as a follower of “normal” behavior and the offended party as the deviant. “Normal people don’t find this stuff offensive, this is clearly just a problem with you.”

That reminds me of a guide I saw posted a few months ago for XCom about playing the game co-op with friends: essentially, each person designates a few squad members that are theirs (since soldiers can die or need to rest and thus be unavailable) and decide how to outfit and control them in missions. I imagine a lot of

Oof, there is a lot to unpack here.

Yeah, the whole Gamergate fiasco was something of a test run for the alt-right that fed into Trump and QAnon, there is a lot of overlap between those groups.

I look back at all the closed-minded fools who try to argue that tall women aren’t attractive and no guy would be interested in a girl taller than he is, then look at how the internet has gone absolutely nuts for Dimitrescu, and laugh.

To be fair, there is some validity to what Nathan’s talking about. Have you heard of a phenomena called “the curse of knowledge”? It essentially means that people who learn a skill are very likely to forget the perspective of people who have not learned this skill, for example an IT guy trying to help someone

Context matters. Democrats forcing their agenda does not make them “no better” than Republicans because Democrats are trying to help poor people survive and Republicans are trying to help rich people become even richer. An action has no intrinsic value wholly separate from its outcome. There is a moral imperative to

The importance of this distinction becomes clear when you recognize that many rather evil people (from as large scale as Republicans to as small scale as emotional abusers) have figured out how to weaponize niceness (without kindness) against us. It’s the insistence that they’re under a lot of stress so if you could

My parents were mostly good with it. My dad played a lot of video games himself, one of my earliest memories is sitting on his lap while he played Lemmings, but they were both adamant about one rule: no TV consoles. Their reasoning was that, if I got one, no one else in the family would ever get a chance to use the TV

You know, it suddenly occurs to me that the reason it’s taken Valve decades to make Half-Life 3 isn’t because they’re game developers who have a hard time with’s that they’re a tech development company that just kind of does video games on the side. If I recall correctly, they’ve stated that the first two

While Diablo 2 definitely made the franchise what it is, 3 is more widely known, more successful, and ultimately the better game. As much as I prefer the PC version, it’s hard to deny that coming out on consoles was a huge boost to Diablo 3, giving it exposure to a whole new audience.

I mean...that is essentially how Greek mythology usually goes: Zeus is a massive, skirt-chasing jackass and, aside from Hera, everyone else just kind of rolls with it. He’s the king of the gods, so he gets to do whatever he wants, is always right, and the only one who disagrees is his wife who is always portrayed as

So it feels like one of two things are happening:

Dead or Alive is the Hooters of fighting games. There is actually a really good and enjoyable fighting system in there, with solid mechanics and a variety of characters and playstyles...but the waifus have overshadowed everything else.