
Fighting games, even crossover ones, can do some fantastic story modes. The problem here isn’t the genre, it’s who’s making them. Netherrealm have been batting it out of the park with their story modes, it’s Capcom (and Namco, the story modes for Soul Calibur 5 and Tekken 7 were an absolute mess) that really needs to

Oh, this one is even better and more specific than that. Remember this? The teasers for it showed claw marks on a wall and flames, and the Heroes subreddit immediately exploded with calls of Deathwing being confirmed. And then the cinematic came out, and the flames and claws turned out to be from Diablo, while the

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Bungie, if you want to make me regret passing on Destiny 2, this is not the way to do it.

Overall, I think the nerfs are pretty good, but there are honestly some that...feel disappointing, even if they make sense if you think about them in broader terms.

If anything, I honestly find this to be even more of a slap in the face; just a reminder of all we’ve already done that we’re never getting back.

I do classify combo decks as control, yes, just very extreme examples of the archetype. In the broadest sense, there are only 3 types of decks: aggro, control and midrange, where aggro puts on the pressure, control manages the opponent’s pressure, and midrange is a balance between the two, playing control to the aggro

In terms of visuals, Rainbow Road on MK 64 has always had a special place for me, very surreal.

Honestly, while I don’t like the track itself much, I’ve always loved the visuals of it; combined with the music, it makes for a very surreal drive through space.

Unimportant details!

They made some really good strides to achieving that balance in Un’goro, but it wasn’t quite enough to stop the likes of Pirate Warrior, Token Shaman and Token Druid, despite including some very specific counters into the set.

Matches are more meaningful when you need to think about which cards to play and have a long-term plan as opposed to just vomiting your opening hand onto the board and smashing face.

It’s certainly true that there are some control decks right now that are too strong, but it’s still much preferable to the days of Pirate Warrior, Face Shaman and Undertaker Hunter. At least with decks like Exodia Mage and Jade Druid, the games go on long enough that it’s possible to find and play counters (Eater of

I much prefer the current state of things than in previous expansions. A control-heavy meta is better than aggro-heavy because in the former, you can include cards that counter that meta (such as Equality against decks with lots of big minions) and be able to rely on consistently drawing them, whereas in the latter,

So I guess this is to make up for the Un’goro and Frozen Throne trailers not having any snappy songs?

Man, they really like using the Fates characters, don’t they? I get that they provide easy conflict with each other, but there are so many other characters from FE history that they could use that focusing on the Fates families again seems a little redundant. Hell, part of the fun of the DLC maps in Awakenings was

The environments look good, but the people and animations...ouch.

I very, very, very much prefer a slower meta to one where aggro just destroys everyone with their opening draw and first couple of turns. Being able to count on playing a decent number of cards in your deck and fight for control of the board makes for much better, more enjoyable and more meaningful matches than seeing

Good Guy Blizzard. They’re not perfect, but they’re pretty damn cool all things considered. Hell, just the fact that this was an internal announcement alone is fairly noteworthy; most other companies would’ve been shouting this to the world for some free PR.

Hell, I don’t even care about the graphics, I played the Game Boy Color port and absolutely loved it regardless of the visuals; for such an old RPG, it was startlingly ahead of its time in terms of features, uncompromising challenges and clever bits of story-telling.

They really need to do a full remake/remaster of at least DQ III, that game is an unsung classic.