I really don't get all the love for Sean's looks. I hated his red carpet dress, it made the chest look saggy. And yesterday's designs were ugly IMO. The one the judges were fawning over was so boxy and unflattering.
I really don't get all the love for Sean's looks. I hated his red carpet dress, it made the chest look saggy. And yesterday's designs were ugly IMO. The one the judges were fawning over was so boxy and unflattering.
I understand the desire to hate the guy but he didn't say anything wrong. The delivery was poor but what is actually "nonsensical" about it?
Biblical sex, ie. between a male virgin and female virgin who are monogamous...Will probably not have STDs. I mean, how?
Love everyone. Whomever you hate will end up in your family.
How I like them too! Mayo is the debil!!!!! ;)
Another pro-mustard, no-mayo atheist here.
As a fellow atheist, I approve of your no mayo stance, but must disagree with you about the value of mustard. Perhaps the great wars of the Third Millennium CE will be not over religion, but condiments?
Big Oil is a HUGE special interest that makes money hand over fist while receiving massive subsidies, corporate welfare and enormous tax credit. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. I wonder what it must be like to be so selfish?
You know, if I wanted contact with my kids, nothing would keep me away. You dad may have wanted you in his life to some extent (and of course his widow isn't going to say, "Sorry, he was a monster who happily abandoned his children."), but he didn't want it enough to make it happen.
Maybe she'll be one of the lucky ones and be fine? Hope things work out happily for her :)
Right. I know one of the best ways to treat the symptoms is making sure the person stays hydrated. Which isn't that hard in this country, as we have drinkable water pretty much everywhere. Also can put someone on an IV if needed. And people who care for them can wear gloves and masks and goggles and can wash with hot…
"She paid rent, and she was there probably three times."
Meh, in the grand scheme of ick-factor stuff you face as a parent, lice aren't the worst. They're bad, but not the worst, if you deal with them immediately, thoroughly, and with determination. Our kid never got them at school (a scrupulous policy of no hat/hairbrush/pillow sharing combined with dumb luck), but many…
I really can't fault them for this one, it's not like they're the only ones who bring babies to fashion shows
Fashion shows are pretty loud, aren't they? It's not as if North babbling a little would bother anyone. And at 15 months, she's likely not wailing constantly. She could just be a very chill kid, not prone to tears. Wouldn't Kim, her mother, know best if North can take being at a fashion show? And even if North cries,…
Wait, the fuck is wrong with bringing a baby to a fashion show? Unless fashion shows now involve a lot more violence than I remembered. Don't they usually keep the drugs backstage, for the models?
Oh man, I am not in favor of this article from 'HAHA small-town hickoids sucks 2 be you' soup to the 'you stay classy' cliche nuts. The poverty and unemployment in rural PA is ghastly, and the young people living there, untrained for much of anything, with no steel mills or Corning plants to employ them anymore, are…
Oh my god this state. The government around here is so strapped for cash and hamstrung by general anti-government sentiment that they can't fulfill even basic functions such as "plow roads when it snows" and "have police available in case a random stray dog starts jumping on kids at public events". So of course,…
I'm single, but I'm pretty sure I'm still part of a family. I have a mom, sisters, niece, nephews, etc.
During football season at my high school, our team, the Redskins, played against the Indians. I remember someone made a huge banner that said,
"Let's Kill the Indians Redskins!". SO. DUMB.
I'm glad these kids are speaking out against the term. Hopefully one day it will be common sense not to use slurs or groups of…
Puerto Rico is on my bucket list!