Serengetti Dove

I bet you are one of those people who won't shake hands with someone with HIV. I know science is hard but try.

Sample size too small because it isn't a threat in our country. Better lock up everyone who drives a car. 40,000 Americans die a year in car accidents. Let's worry about reality.

America where we want to lock up people who have helped others who have suffered with Ebola, but it is perfectly OK to walk around with a gun.

Actually the mortality rate for Ebola cases originating in the USA is 0%.

It is a big deal because she is having her rights taken away because of ignorance and political jockeying.

Because women and girls shouldn't show any skin. Burqas for everyone or you look like a slut. 13 year old boys should be able to run around topless but a girl in spaghetti straps are obviously a sexed up whore.

I was in Southern Africa this summer, and everyone keeps asking if I have Ebola. Yeah, dumbasses I do.

I never said it was because women were lazy but they have been programed to grow up and get married as an end goal. We are still teaching it with almost every story geared towards girls.

I actually agree with all of that and is basically what I tell all the young women I mentor.

You failed your one job of keeping your child safe and because you know you are wrong you have to try to deflect blame by making up "facts" about someone who calls you on your bullshit. Way to win an argument. Are you a Republican by chance?

Honestly I'm basing what I say from what you wrote " But the time my toddler ran out into traffic, I lost my shit. "

Do you ever feel delusional when talking about someone you don't know at all and get all the facts about their life wrong?

So very wrong. Shows that you make excuses for your bad parenting by thinking everyone is a bad parent or child care giver.

It's called holding the child's hand. And if you can't do that then maybe they need to harness and leash their child. Your job is to keep your child safe, you can't bring back dead.

I employ a couple of people and pay for their health insurance. I would like to not pay for any illness like heart disease etc. cause by eating meat. As a vegetarian I believe meat is murder and shouldn't have to compromise my morals because of a bunch of animal killers.

Maybe you could go do that now then. For every time you hit your child.

My question is did you track someone down to beat on you, since you were the one who allowed your child to run into traffic. Make sure it is someone (you might have to get a group of people) who is proportionately bigger than you, as you are to your child.

Well I'm 45 and I only have a few moral rights and wrongs, you don't kill people, you don't have sex with married people, you don't hurt children or animals, you don't steal and lying should be left for small things like "yeah that wedding dress is beautiful".

I own a bed and breakfast, and when I'm feeling generous especially in the colder months I make soup for lunch and share.

I work with kids, and if you would give them a mike, 70% would act like this.