Serengetti Dove

Fucking repulsive. You know those cops all had hard ons taking down that little girl.

I still don't understand why they didn't like my Nazi costume (sobs)

Actually you are the one who sounds ignorant. You have no idea what you are talking about. You just parrot a bunch of "junk" you've been sold. Obviously you are too stupid to check facts for yourself.

Obviously you are just an ignorant troll. My family has Phd's from Harvard, Penn, Columbia and more, so where did your Great grandmother get her Phd? Yeah what I thought? Just admit you have done you research except for the brainwashed "studies" that "Big Pharmy" has paid for. (and for your FYI we are also 3 or 4th

I actually am the only member of my family who doesn't have a Phd in the past 2 generations. Even 2 out of my 4 great grand MOTHERS had Phd's, 1 a Masters, and 1 a Bachelor's. Of course they are Doctors, it goes without stating.

I don't know if people are really lying or if Facebook is more like a casual "How are you." Most people want a "good" "fine" "OK", they don't want an hour long speech on how sucky their live is.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, and no one will listen but as the child of many generations of Vaccine Researchers, I can tell you the #1 group of people who don't vaccinate are people in Vaccine Research. I am not vaccinated nor any of my parent's co-worker's children. I've posted list and list of

I had my horse in my Sr pictures and the asswipes at school wouldn't put it in the yearbook. I'm all over this petition!

If I had a dime for every person I know who is "allergic" to something....

I just spent the afternoon listening to a guy friend who just found out that the woman he has been dating is transgendered. He is mad as hell and feels he's been lied to and mislead. I didn't really know what to tell him as I can see how he feels. I'm not sure when trans people usually share that about themselves to

Of course it is pretty classist to insult people for living in an extended family. It is argued that moving to a single family home vs the extended family is one of the very things that is limiting familial wealth. When an extended family shares a home, not only does each generation not start over from scratch but

I too have a flip phone, it's been through the wash 3 times. It's a tough mama jama and that is what I need in my life.

We prefer the Lego Friends set at my house mixed in with a few of the others. We like the animals that the friend sets have plus I like having brown figures. Plus I have a no weapon rule which ruins a lot of the non friends sets for us. I do have the ewok village.

Help out at a shelter, or with big sisters, or what ever cause is close to your heart. It's free, you'll meet like minded people, and you will make a difference.

I think you can find people who are less one side or the other. Personally I'm uber liberal, way more then the democrats (I am an Independent) but on the other hand I believe in the death penalty and actually think it should be extended to people who abuse children and animals, pedophiles and rapist.

MMMMmmmmm, the roasted chickpeas with spicy seasoning that you can buy on the streets in the Middle East are the best snack food ever!!

Add some Falafel to that and you might be able to bring peace to the entire Middle East.

Typical Aryans. I bet if that family looked a little different the GOPs would want to deport them for gang violence.

I don't know if it makes you feel any better but most of my peers who got married in their 20's are all now divorced and working on second marriages. (In my 40's now)

I'm close to your age, and I actually think it is worse than when we were in our 20's. At least in my circle it was really uncool to get engaged before your late 20's early 30's, now I know "kid" still in Uni who are getting married. I feel sorry for them.