The strays in Istanbul are all pretty tamed. They might not have homes but they are kind of "everyones". Sit down on a bench and it won't be long until you have a friendly dog or cat sitting with you.
The strays in Istanbul are all pretty tamed. They might not have homes but they are kind of "everyones". Sit down on a bench and it won't be long until you have a friendly dog or cat sitting with you.
You also naturally litter and destroy the earth. Many people's natural urge is to kill and rape. That doesn't mean that society doesn't set up perimeter for behavior.
Everyone else jump on the financial part, that is just one criteria. He could be the wealthiest person in the world and the fact that he left his kids in the car to have sex in an alley makes him an unfit parent. Probably something pretty knowable before he had kids.
And this is not just about poor people, I think most people make horrible parents and should not be reproducing. Having a base line amount of money is just the start. Look at all of the criminal, drunks, drug addicts, rapist, killers it almost always goes back to bad parenting.
But why is it a fundamental human right? Woo wee you have the right to shit out babies that you can't feed, care for or educate. When other animals live in poverty and are starving to death we round them up and spay, neuter, release. It is the humane thing to do. But for some reason humans are too precious for that,…
Yep, I don't think you should be rich but if you are poor you shouldn't be having kids. Having children isn't a right and it actually pisses me the hell off that people think it is. We don't need more people on this planet and we certainly don't need anymore children living in poverty. I've actually have spent a…
I know I will get shit for saying this but I honestly think all men should be required to have a vasectomy at puberty, and only when a couple (or Individual) can prove they are financially and emotionally ready for a child can it be reversed.
As some one who grew up in this time period.
If you aren't posting pictures of your cats you aren't doing Facebook right. If you don't have a cat you aren't doing life right!
Obviously you have never been to Iran or it seems anywhere in the Middle East, because yes some women do wear more than just hijab in Iran. Even in Turkey which is one of the most liberal countries in that area there are women in Burkas. So nice try moron!
If god is a given why can't the universe be a given, if you need "something" to create the universe than why don't you need "something" to create god. Did god just "appear out of thin air"?
I spent a year traveling by myself, I loved it. I often met people along the way and would travel with them for awhile and then move on. The great thing is, if you get sick of someone you can just change your plans a little and dump them, whereas you get sick of your friends you are kind of stuck with them. I love…
Anyone see this and know what happened to this kid?
I think it the first step. Being hyper critical of what people wear to the point where people won't wear something is one part of society trying to control another. That behavior is tackier and more damaging than anything anyone can wear.
It really is an asshole opinion. How would you like to have to swim in a Burka? I remember visiting Iran and watching women almost drown.
How many Zelda's are there now? I'm not a gamer and Zelda is the only game I've actually played. Are there others like it?
As someone who plays with a lot of legos. I can't be too outraged. I'm not sure how else you can tell them girl from the boy mini figs. Eyelashes and wigs are the other two I guess. Personally I like the "Friends" legos better anyway. I like have brown legos to play with. The yellow ones are still too "white" in my…
I actually would say that most parents don't like kids and had them because they felt like they should because of our society. Most don't want to put the time in to actually raise healthy functional humans. They really just want them be quiet and cause as little work as possible.
As someone who has been working with kids for the past 30 years I agree more with Nanny than with you. Sorry.
You've just confirmed why people think your generation is clueless when it comes to managing money. Yes $30,000 in credit card debt is extreme.