Serengetti Dove

Just because football is as boring as watching cement set doesn't mean I don't understand it.

Yeah because watching a bunch of women acting pathetic to get the sexual attention of a man is such wholesome family viewing.

Growing up in the spectacular 70's my Mom sent us to Philosophy Camp. At the end there was a party. Upstairs the room was decorated in whites and golds and there were milk and cookies and harp music-this room was labeled Heaven. Downstairs the room was decorated in red, their was soda, candy, and chips and rock and

This is a sporting event not a get together of Catholic priest.

I started out as opinionless about the Kardashians but the more people hate them, the more I like them. The hate level seems really unbalanced.

Sadly when I read that, I thought "I hope this kid doesn't get beat" Gaga, there are some shitty parents out there, and you should trust you instincts when you are afraid of someone.

I also am in a sport (Jumping Horses) that has a pretty tight dress code. That doesn't mean I wear what ever the hell I want and then beat up all my competition. I have never found Harding sympathetic just a cheat. There are all types of people with super hard lives most them don't end up thugs.

I'm glad I went to India 17 years ago. It had it's problems and I was harassed but I never experienced anything near this degree. It's sad I keep hoping the world will get better and safer not worse.

Without soup I would probably be dead.

Why do people start smoking was the question, you aren't addicted until after you start. FYI

If you know anything of Cowell, this shouldn't be a surprise. He keeps a string of women at his beck and call and likes to party.

I don't expect Cowell to be in the picture long enough to be a big deal.

Food is something people have to eat. This makes it a lot easier to end up with a disorder because there is no not eating. No one ever has to start smoking. Everyone in the US or Europe (and probable most of the rest of the world) know how bad smoking is. They make a choice to start something that is toxic to them. It

THIS is my biggest hate on airplanes. I don't care if you recline your seat, that is your right, I don't care if you have a crying baby, babies cry, but bro you do not have the right to put your legs in my space. I am 6 feet tall and need the room more than you do. Asshole.

I'm actually shocked how many people still smoke. It's such a stupid dirty habit. Why do that to yourself? It's really sad.

So she is #1 in the US and 3rd in the world and going to the Olympics. Seems more than fair to me, I would even argue it would be ridiculous not to send her.

So much better than what the average teen is putting out, it would be better without Jaden.

Are Figure skaters ranked?

Babies don't bother me, they are part of humanity. They fuss a bit, I don't care at all. Self important adults clutching their phone to them like it's the last lifeboat on the Titanic, I find ridiculous!

I rather dine with 100 babies than one person with a cell phone. Babies can't help their manners what is everyone else's excuse!