Serengetti Dove

I have a lot of family in Vaccine research. MD's PHD's etc etc. The number 1 group of people who don't vaccinate aren't religious nut jobs but people in vaccine research. FACT!

I mean seriously kids, you don't know what you missed not growing up in the '70's. All my early school picture I'm dressed in short shorts and a belly top. Now the kids are dressed like freakin' Nuns. Until the Reagan years hit things were so much more relaxed. American society hasn't recovered since.

I'm in my 40's and I work with kids and it amazes them when I know all the words to Rap songs. LOL Listen up you little bugger, I was around for the birth of Rap, I've been to more house parties, clubs, etc etc then you probably ever will. You generation is not anymore wild or hip then mine. So get off my lawn!

The more production that is put into a proposal and wedding the less seriously I take the marriage.

Fox new has been telling them we live in a dystopia ever since a black man became president.

Black Mary and baby jesus are the best part of the card.

I thought this book was great when I first read it as a college Freshman. I still think it holds up.

This only points out to me how stupid tan lines look.

Never heard of her (Anna Komnene) any good books about her?

No my point was people will make up any excuse to do something they really want to do regardless if it is right or wrong.

This is a tired old argument. Who decides humans are higher on the food chain. Same argument Men use to beat women—they are stronger or Whites use to keep other ethnicities down—they have more power. The Fact is humans have a choice, we can be stronger and healthier with a meat free diet or we can take the life of

Blah, blah, blah, I could kill and eat humans with your logic.

Not eating animals is something humans have to re evolve too, like not raping and not being a racist, or a misogynist. Hopefully we will get there before we destroy the planet but it's not a guarantee. People are deeply entrenched in their acts of hate so preaching and being hysterical about it doesn't really help

We usually have lasagna, salad, bread etc

Good luck then!

May I suggest you make a clean break. Some people just don't need to be in your life.

I would say Wils how nice that your family allowed you to marry a millionaire commoner, now call me when Harry marries a WOC because THAT would be news!

Both of my brother in laws are anti republican and they both have 2 daughter each, so I call bullshit on this.

They are seriously a bit psychotic if they get that upset over a pair of shoes. My favorite is when they say 'it's like they have given up" Given up what? Foot pain and not giving a flying fudge what you think of my shoes. Then yeah.