
Revlon Fire and Ice! Mom loved it. She recently (she’s almost 90) complained that Revlon lipsticks now don’t have enough product in the tube, so she’s boycotting.

I love “Minnesota pissed”. :D I live here too and this is one of the few days I’m ashamed to be Minnesotan. At my office people are Minnesota pissed as well.

I live 10 minutes from his office. People here are fucking PISSED.

Well said but I do think it’s also a necessary examination of alternative California culture and how it allowed some predators the freedom to find victims. The hippie molester character was an all too believable figure for a girl raised like she was. It’s a trope when writing female characters, sure, but perhaps also

I LIKED the scene in the mansion - I like that it wasn’t this excited weird orgy, it was just a bunch of old rich dudes banging drugged prostitues in front of each other and I kind of think that is the point. It was creepy, and depressing. I also like that Ani was the one to rescue the girl not Ray or Paul, and that

And then they get to the car, Tim Riggins reads a contract in complete pitch blackness (“it’s full of signatures!”) then they drive directly into a giant cheeseball moon.

“It needs to be deliberate and explicit.”

Oh, he’s been doing triage, he had to. He’s going to have to do so much more to get as broad of a coalition as Hillary has inherited. It needs to be deliberate and explicit. Do you see us? Do you hear us, Bernie? Okay. The Clinton machine will just keep on rolling along otherwise.

Not disagreeing with you. I didn’t see much of what happened with Black Lives Matter, but it looks like he lost his cool and reacted badly. I was heartened by this video, where he responds to some of those questions. I hope you don’t mind if I share it with you. At around 1:50, Bernie goes into structural racism and

No. It can happen. And don’t believe in secret! We have to believe!!! #feelthebern

“12 years ago, twin brothers and PhD historians Frank and Bill Watson inherited a file that upended that history”

this! It was understood that there were boundaries to my nekkdness. But yeah, i’ve seen quite a bit of my mom’s business. My mom too is also ‘the shit’

My mom definitely was naked around me and would occasionally take baths with me. But it was always very clear that this was okay because she was my Mom and that it wasn’t something that was for everyone. It also wasn’t like a “naked house” situation. It’s not like she was nude all the time. But if she was going to

That’s how I feel about life in general TBH

A truly classic blunder. this of their own volition? I need to know who helped them make these couldn’t possibly be the young women themselves!

young women sometimes make plans for the future.