The advancement was made through “prenatal care, HIV and syphilis testing for pregnant women and their partners, treatment for women who test positive and their babies, cesarean deliveries and breastfeeding substitution.”
The advancement was made through “prenatal care, HIV and syphilis testing for pregnant women and their partners, treatment for women who test positive and their babies, cesarean deliveries and breastfeeding substitution.”
Cuba, with it’s relatively crippled economy the past 50 years, has managed a medical breakthrough like that. Meanwhile, elements in the US want to eliminate healthcare for the non-rich and allow crunchy nutballs to let their unvaccinated children vomit their germs all over everyone including immunocompromised people…
while i am far from believing that every rom-com is good (and i know because i’ve seen Because I Said So...twice), i do think that at least some of the reason we all think “rom-coms suck” is because they are traditionally considered “chick flicks”?
If you’re willing to be Sans Spawn don’t be so quick to start a countdown. Mr.R and I got married 2 years ago when I was 49. First for me, second for him. We had been, well something more and less than “fb”s for about 5 years then fell in love. 5 years later we got married at my grandparent’s assisted living facility.…
also - people who don’t want to get married just...don’t get married.
Nope. Most do. The divorce rate has been dropping for years. But I think that’s for the reasons you’re citing; when you don’t force people to do something, and couples can make decisions based on what actually works for them instead of social requirements, that means you get fewer crappy marriages and more marriages…
Maybe we as a society should stop upholding marriage as the absolute thing you must do or you are worthless slime. People would probably not marry out of desperation to be coupled with someone, ANYONE, if that were the case.
I don’t know, man. It’s filmed live, so she wouldn’t have had any time to think. Plus, people on that show are usually drunk. Not everyone has the perfect initial reaction all the time. The woman has — to my knowledge — been pretty close to flawless as a public figure to this point. Perhaps we could cut her some…
I think it’s more of a stylistic decision whereas last year was more of a southern gothic type story, this year seems to be more of a film noir style.
McAdams’s character is stressing me out, which I think is a good sign for her performance. Like I said, this season is growing on me. TD is super into the slow burn, which some people are forgetting from last season, I think.
I wish someone would ungrey one of the many corrections I’ve made...
Protip for the future, look at other comments in the thread before correcting. I’ve addressed this several times.
Colin Farrell, not Will.
I love Will Ferrell too, but I think you meant Colin Farrell.
Too late to edit but... I MEANT COLIN FARRELL. People need to shame me more quickly, so I have time to fix things!
Yeah for sure, they’re not great detectives, which was made clear, hence why they were set up. That’s a great observation that stylistically the two seasons are quite different. I guess that’s why I’m really confused by people who say that this season is “boring.” Um, WAY more has happened to advance the plot in the…
“Plus, honestly I love Will Farrell when he’s well directed and cast, and I think he is in this show. “
The decision to raid the factory building was obviously a bad idea from the beginning, and those who put her on the case knew that she would do it
I think the general ill will toward this season has colored some perspectives. No, it isn’t as compelling as last season but it also is still pretty good. All three main POVs are fucked up and sad people in their own ways. And they established in the first episode that Ani isn’t a good detective—she raided a legal…