
So, our Big Public Reason for not inviting kids beyond our two teenage niece (who were sober, and thus, better behaved than most of our friends!) was the expense. Which was legit; if we let every family bring their 2-3 kids...well, the guest list and expense spiraled pretty fucking fast.

The invitation itself is the direct statement. If your children are listed, they are invited. The converse is also true.

People pay for each guest, if you show up with two guests that weren’t kinds screws with everything, seating, food, etc...

I’m sorry, but I have a kid, and there is no way in hell I would bring him to a wedding. He can’t even sit still for five minutes. I would not expect my child to be invited to any event unless it specifically said children welcome. However, I understand that a lot of people assume weddings are family affairs, so I

More realistic than Pennsatucky’s magical perfect teenage (?) boyfriend of respect and orgasms.

Thank you, that’s such an important perspective and I’m sorry that happened to your dad. I can’t understand why this particular generation demands 0% risk when there’s no such thing! There’s significant risk you’ll get in a car accident but people drive every day. There’s risk with every single surgery, no matter how

She is covering it like a grenade so when it explodes it won’t harm innocent people. She’s a hero in my book.....

I don’t care what this person is arguing for/against: I automatically disregard statements like this made with randomly capitalized words.

There are no vaccine Police Your Health is Still between your Doctor behind Exam room doors


Holy. Fucking. Shit. !!!!! Your face looks like it’s the first time you’ve seen the sun. I giggle every time. You sure enjoyed your Hamm sandwich.

He was very kind, asked us our names and what we were up to that day. So, yeah, we totally interrupted his Hamm time with his cigarette, but it kind of wasn’t about him. This was our day, to be under his armpits.

Because I don’t know where else to put this and felt like I would have betrayed you all for not sharing. Ladies, went Hamm. (that’s me on the far right).

If you went to the bible belt at 21 and wrote that story—while explicitly admitting that you were young and naive and self-absorbed and not really thinking about things, as did the author here—I would read it. The author was young and misguided (and she says as much), but the experience helped her figure out her

This is just the latest and greatest example of “You calling me out for being a shithead makes you a shithead.” The Cosby story the other day was the same.… What is with this trend in today’s world? I feel like this is a new thing.

This is a long one, but I think it’s pretty great. Please excuse any typos.

Two friends from college got married, and it was a doozy of a wedding. My friends actually went to college with my best friend from high school, so over the course of college and the following decade her friends became mine, and vice versa.

A whiteness of teenage girls ordering frappuccinos.

I was in a Starbucks yesterday and a gaggle of teenage girls, (I feel like gaggle isn’t right for teenage girls. A flock? A murder? A murder.) a murder of teenage girls came in behind me. As I finished my order, the barista (who was a treasure of a human being and recommended a kick-ass fruit sauce for baked brie)