I thought that too. Her father is clearly trying to absolve himself of any responsibility for messing up his children (he let their mother walk into a river? Dude is horrible) so he makes a bullshit speech about her hating men.
I thought that too. Her father is clearly trying to absolve himself of any responsibility for messing up his children (he let their mother walk into a river? Dude is horrible) so he makes a bullshit speech about her hating men.
Then again, while her male counterparts are mostly allowed to express their pain through recklessness and violence, her pain is treated as unnecessary and frivolous
I JUST wrote a post about how the “confederate flag is not racist” defense is bullshit because you have white people who are nowhere near from the south and they have this flag on their cars, on their homes, etc. It’s ridiculous.
This. The main takeaway I got from this article was that the reality of venture capitalism collided with the good intentions of the original nasty gal employees and it all ended in a steaming pile of crap.
This doesn’t strike me as a story about feminism or women in the workplace. It’s strikes me mostly as a story about how the venture capital culture of Silicon Valley, which is predicated on very rapid growth, hurts employees.
As someone who very recently quit their job, I feel like I need to interject. Losing or quitting your job qualifies you for special enrollment, meaning that you do not need to wait for open enrollment to be insured. Yes, open enrollment is a limited time; however, there are various life events that qualify you for…
“If you are a total terror to work with, no one will want to keep you around. And the worst kind of mean is selective mean—the people who are nice to their boss and superiors, but completely rude to their peers or subordinates. If you are a habitual bitch to the front desk girl, the security guard, or even the…
“the front desk girl”
Women who call other grown women girls and think that feminism is about referring to women as “womyn” are the reason I have a growing drug problem and an intimate relationship with my middle finger.
It sets my teeth on edge when people say that a woman like Amoruso is “the feminist for Millennials” because she’s brash and flashy and successful. I do not belittle her success, but let’s be honest here: she’s a person who with lots of hard work, yes, but also lots of help, and lots of luck, rose to the top. Also,…
When I was reading that part, I kept thinking that THIS is why we need a single payer health care system. It is ridiculous to have to rely on your employer for health care to be on a transplant list. I know the Affordable Care Act changes that, but the system is still so complex.
I dunnoooooo guys, this is not really worth it. I’m not even a comedian and I would have had a difficult time not saying something similar after a professional interviewer said the phrase “inside an 11 year old girl.” If anything he should be dinged for saying something so dumb. I didn’t see it as a joke so much as…
Emma Stone.
Right? She goes from “why isn’t there a white history month” to fake advocacy? WTF, someone with a psych degree, enlighten us, how does such a shift occur?
The court opinion also noted that Dolezal claimed that the university’s decision to remove some of her artworks from a February 2001 student exhibition was “motivated by a discriminatory purpose to favor African-American students over” her.
In the books, she’s doing some magicky staring into the fire, wanting to see Azor Ahai, but then says she only sees snow.
I WON’T BELIEVE STANNIS IS DEAD UNTIL I SEE THE BODY! It was too unsatisfactory to just see the sword swing.