
I’m 95% sure this is just Daniel Day Lewis Prepping for a role.

White people can and have (in the distant past) head the NAACP. It would be discriminatory to base the position on her skin color.

Would YOU wanna be the person who questioned the racial credentials of the new president of your NAACP chapter? How bad would you look if you were wrong? I think there was plenty of talk but no one wanted to be that person who asked her if she was really black.

I’m not sure if it’s because people are poor, per se, but because no matter how much J.Crew wants to paint itself as a high end brand, it isn’t. And people aren’t willing to pay $450 for a sweater from a ‘suburban mall brand’ when if they were in the market for that, they’d head over to a designer boutique or Neiman’s.

Maybe the 1850’s were really onto something! Boy howdy, did the blacks know their place back then!

(Adjusts hoops skirt, takes sip of cordial, dies in childbirth at the ripe old age of 28)

It’s great when people write things like “This is my opinion and I’m not afraid to say it! Come at me!” and then inevitably they are whining and crying in a few days once their “honest opinions” get them in trouble. I thought you didn’t care, hmmm?

Jesus fucking christ.

I chose to not read this article and am going to assume that this individual wants to segregate all police officers so they can no longer abuse, assault and shoot the public, and African Americans in particular.

I think there’s a subtle but important difference between being likable and being a person people can like. Adichie is defining being likable as trying to meet an external standard, subjugating your own agency to try and meet the expectations of others. Being a person people can like is self motivated: it’s a good

Don’t do crossfit if you don’t want to, just respect their desire to do it and show (feign) interest every once in a while. Don’t change yourself per se, just make others feel comfortable about being THEMSELVES.

I do not understand these people. Although, at least she didn’t call you on your wedding day.

Here is me and my little sister ugly crying at our older sister’s wedding.

As suggested by VonQueso, I would love a post of users’ favorite wedding pictures. I unashamedly love looking at other people’s wedding pictures, and I think it’d be fun to post one picture that reflects our weddings!

Since this is just an unconfirmed rumor for now. I am also thinking it can be a lunatic trying to smear the left by starting a big untrue rumor. Until a national news organization confirms this, I am skeptical of this person’s words. Also, what kind of fucking friend lets the rape of SOMEONE ELSE slip to a journalist?

I think it’s pretty clear that if this person actually gave a shit about the rape victim, they would have disclosed this information anywhere between when it happened and last year, rather than waiting until the election campaign started again. This tells me they’re doing it for political reasons and for attention,

It’s not a well known thing but men are the weaker sex They are not capable of rational thought strong enough to overcome their bodily urges. It’s probably their hormones that makes them so emotional as to be unable to contain themselves at the sight of the female shoulder. I know it’s controversial, but I’m in favor

We get a lot of ultra-religious groups through work of all corners of religions. But we probably get the most orthodox jewish people, because their schools come visit and their schools are huge. But the reactions are from all of the groups that deem skirts the only acceptable form of female leg covering.

a large percentage of the ultra-Orthodox population in Israel do not work and do not join the army

As long as the law is written by lobbyists from mega corps, and white collar workers refuse to unionize in their own right, there is not going to be a choice. The law and the power will always back the employer and interviewer.