

Yes, Planned Parenthood is infinitely better. It’s not an abortion factory; it’s an organization devoted to women’s health.

“I opened a velvet box on the table that appeared as though it contained jewelry; rather, it contained a collection of small plastic fetuses.”

I sat through hearings on so-called “informed consent” legislation that requires doctors to tell women specific “facts” about abortion and show them pictures of fetuses at various stages of development. The “pro life” groups pushing the bill kept stressing that women deserved information before making abortion

She should have walked through some curtains made from beef.

I feel very confident in saying she probably did suggest that, but wasn’t allowed to by censors.

+1 Mighty gazebos awakened

Seriously, that guy needed to check his beach privilege. In some cultures, sand is just a parking lot. If people won’t be patient with those not privileged enough to know that sand+water=beach, we will never move forward as a society. :(

And God help you if there’s a gazebo near by...

I hope your asshole writes a bestseller countering all of your dick’s accusations, and that the two of them become embroiled in a decades-long media feud.

Lakes are well known for attacking unsuspecting people, who are just driving around, minding their own business. You don’t have that kind of problem with ponds or rivers so much, but, damn, those lakes’ll get ya.

“How dare you mock the guy for not knowing what the beach is? Some people make it to age 50 without visiting the beach and somehow completely missing the ever-present representations of beaches in popular culture. Besides, many people suffer from Glorpman’s Syndrome, which is an inability to understand the

I would prefer a candidate that wants to reform FMLA to include men as well as expanding women’s paid leave. While there isn’t any guaranteed paid leave for mothers they at least have the benefit of using sick time they may have accrued. Men don’t have any of that. I recently had to make the difficult choice of

Her simply being in office doing women’s issues a world of good is bullshit. Pick up a history book and read about social norms; some of the biggest supporters and reinforcers of the standards of patriarchy were, and still are, women. History is littered with women rulers who only expanded or maintained the power of

I don’t think she’s trying to downplay her strength, I think she’s is trying to counter the perception that she’s a robot devoid of human feels. Being a strong woman and being perceived as maternal are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

what is this i dont even

*shrug* I’m slim and I wear shape wear all the time. It just feels more streamlined, hides VPLs, and I don’t find it uncomfortable.

If she stripped down to sexy lingerie I’d be with you, but I appreciate her showing how the sausage gets made. Even the slimmest celebs are spanxed to the gills under their beautiful outfits and nude spandex is not flattering!

I kind of don’t like this.

I fucking am pro abortion. It is a legal fucking medical procedure. If you want to get one, get one. If you want to get 12493087120390, get that many, then. If you want to purposely get pregnant and get an abortion, fucking have at it. If you want an abortion because you don’t like the sex of your baby, or the father,