  • Charlize Theron and Robin Wright hate each other and oh my god my imagination is on overdrive isn’t yours?

How have we not already seen this look on Cookie Lyon?

is the new york times aware that like, there’s a whole country between new york and los angeles with plenty of wonderful OTHER places you could live

I think they also had some satanic coloring book to distribute to kids when schools would declare bible distribution in schools an “open forum” type thing, but I can’t remember the details...

In general I’m not very into organized religion. But every time the Church of Satan takes some kind of public action, I’m sincerely tempted to join. The only thing stopping me is that anything with the word Satan in it is a little too close to Christianity for me to feel comfortable with.


I just wanna say I really appreciate Jezebel’s unapologetic, nonfuckery on covering Black Lives Matter protests by many women writers of color. Sometimes I’ve been kind of disappointed in Jezebel’s stances (esp supporting racist “send them back” presidential nominee Hilary Clinton in many previous posts) but the

If Fox News did a segment on the “myth” of wage inequality where all of the anchors got together and had to lay their paychecks side by side to openly see who makes what, and then watch the ones who make more try to justify their higher wage to the lower paid anchors, I would watch the shit outta that train wreck.

At this point, extraordinary would frighten people. Let’s shoot for slightly above average on a good day?

And, like, the WHOLE POINT is that if you have to be extraordinary in order to get paid the same as mediocre white men, THAT’S UNFAIR.

And be the best, if that’s what it takes. If you have to be extraordinary, be extraordinary.

popular chain restaurant that rhymes with “Crapplebees.” (Editor’s Note: Oh for fuck’s sake)

jet-setting model and new wife

Oh, of course. Consider that Leitao’s son was diagnosed with scabies, but she rejected that diagnosis. The lady who started the whole mess started it with a rejection of doctors who were not dismissing her son’s pain and who were trying to help. I really don’t understand why Morgellon’s sufferers don’t want scabies to

What I find especially fascinating about this too is the insistence that these two things (the mental and the biological) are actually distinct from each other. Perhaps if that binary was disrupted accepting mental illness would be a lot easier for people.

As Wu Tang Clan said: “C.R.E.A.M.”

They love traditional hetero marriage. They think that the breakdown of the family is responsible for most of society’s ills. But they also hate that this couple decided to stay married to each other despite their problems.

I hear you. God I love Bernie. I used to see him eating burritos around Burlington wearing black Chuck Taylor high tops.

“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough”

“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough.”