
Not for nothing, but the book is entirely about deconstructing the manic pixie dream girl trope, and the main character basically learns that projecting his Heroic Male Needs onto an actual human woman with intellectual dimension is pretty dumb. Someone complained to John Green on Tumblr that the trailer seems to have

I am Christian and spend a lot of time interacting with fellow Christians (including those who have a very different interpretation of our religion than I do) and in my experience this is less common than you might think. It certainly is a motivation for many Christian women, but a lot also just support the same

If you look at the religious denominations that allow women full participation in all leadership positions you will find they are generally pro-birth control and pro-choice. This has been true since the 70s.

Art, if you take it seriously as more than a hobby can also be the cause of a lot of self hate, anguish, depression too. But otherwise it really is a great outlet to a lot of hard emotions, it's also what got me through terrible high school years.

I thought he was saying it's dumb because pride in qualities you were born with is dumb.

This. I think about this all the time too, not just with this album but a lot of hip hop that deals with a culture that we all think we know but are actually completely ignorant of. I became hyper aware of it while listening to Saul Williams, who also made me confront this a lot. I've read the Dead EmCee Scrolls

I agree 100%. I think that it's almost impossible to feel a sense of detachment listening to this album as a white person. That's part of why it's so good. I can't necessarily understand it fully because I haven't lived it, but it's impossible to not be drawn into it and confronted/engaged by it.

I will say this: It's better than Fifty Shades of Grey.

That looks like Jaden Smith's tweets strung together into a blog post.

My knee-jerk reaction was shouting, "QUIT IT, KATY, QUIT IT."

I'm recently divorced and living alone for the first time ever. It's AMAZING. My ex husband was super critical and I am experiencing freedom like I've never known.

Killer Mike, Big Boi!! I hated T.I's new stuff & I haven't heard TM in SO long

Same here. He needs some new subject material :p

Seriously - I'd have Girls, Girls, Girls by Jay-Z over Take Care any day. The nice guy shtick is so tiring. Like Drake is sensitive and shit but only bc he wants to get laid & if you don't serve him the C on a platter, he's gonna whine about it & tell the whole world where you work

Or maybe because Clover, Hillary and myself are inveterate hip-hop journalists and are covering relevant things that haven't been covered as much here before. And we are doing this now rather than like, a rundown on Em or Rick or Kanye (his turn will come soon enough) because Big Sean has... an album.. out... now. And

Rick Ross is so beyond lame it's not even funny. I literally can not comprehend hwo this guy is a thing. I just can't get over this guy touting his street cred when he worked as a corrections officer. It's like he taught Iggy Azalea how to lie.


Seriously, I would never fangirl as hard as I would if I was in a room of all my favorite female politicians celebrating reproductive choice. And this is from someone who grew up in the DC area and I'm kind of jaded encountering political types around. Even Obama motorcades.

I think a lot has changed since 2008 in terms of discussing reproductive rights. Not enough, but a lot. For so long saying simply that abortion should be available and rare was controversial and alienating. I'm not sure how her official vocabulary will change, but I see this next election demanding a louder and more

I know it's a grainy cell phone pic, and I don't want to make light of her accomplishments by focussing on appearance as is often done to female politicians, but HILARY LOOKS FUCKING RADIANT.