
Because he wasn't a King anymore and was buried in a church near where he was killed in battle with little fan fare. The Church was then destoryed during the Reformation leading to it's loss for 500 years, and it wasn't a covered car park, it was just an outdoor one, basic asphalt patch of land with some cars on it.

I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.

I think as a kid I did notice the cold but I just didn't give a damn about how I looked while I was out in it. I'm sure I looked like the little brother from A Christmas Story when I was on that paper route, but that was okay. Definitely when you're a kid and you're out playing in the snow, you don't care about

OMG! You may have just solved a great mystery of mine! I was SO HOT through my whole pregnancy, even in the depths of winter, that I wore the thinnest clothes I could get away with. But my nipples were... I called it "ice weasles gnawing at my boobs." After a while I managed to figure out a system — I wore a thing

This. Wet cold is the worst. I'd take a dry 20 over a wet 40 any day.

I started to read, and then realized that this is not directed at people who live in northern Canada where it is well below -20C (-4 F) for 6-8 months a year.

Who screwed up my wedding? Writer/Director David Mamet (young folks may know him as Zosia Mamet's father). He was filming a movie in my hometown the day of our wedding.

Wait, I'm confused about the last paragraph. So she casually mentions abortion, which this site has asked for in media for ages - the ability to talk about abortion as a part of many women's lives without the emotion or drama that people assume come with it. So this show does it, and yet you complain that "It

If she can afford to live in a swanky loft space (by whatever means), $350-$500 for an abortion is probably not a big deal to her. Thus, not a discussion point?

Some of this stems from how the film market is perceived. Repeated studies show that women are more likely than men to see movies alone or with friends, and that movies that pass the Bechdel test cost less to make and make more at the box office. And yet, we get one stupid, Bechdel-test-failing, action franchise after

Rihanna's looked like An Amazing Creation, not some off-brand bullshit from a lingerie sale at Sears. Also she had that amazing sleek little matching cap, and the whole thing together was "fashion statement" rather than "Penthouse centerfold."

I can't help but think it must be kind of embarrassing to show up at a party where someone else is also Dressing Naked. Like, done right and by yourself, you look like Rihanna that one time she wore nothing but crystals, bold and brave and essentially like a goddess wandered in from heaven. But if the party has 2 or 5

Horrible! Tacky, ugly, NO.

I guess. This was a small restaurant and the owner was usually there working with us, so if they still persisted in their belief that we were trying to poison them with smoked pork, I'd send him out to explain how smoking works. Part of the name of our restaurant was "Smokehouse," too, so I'd have to answer calls

Actually, the never-ending string of 20 year-old models whom my middle-aged son keeps bringing home would probably worry me more than a grown woman who has been extremely successful in her career.

I think it is a testament to your skill that you could turn this into an essay on loss and regret and I am so sorry about your grandpa. I'm sure he was immensely proud of his lovely, talented granddaughter.

I love that dark lipstick on you.

Slightly off topic: Whenever I read stories about mothers who harm their children and the deserved scorn they receive, I always wonder why the absent fathers get none. Being out of the picture does not absolve you of the outcome of the child.