Robert Pattison's comment was definitely shade, IMO. I await the ruling of Shade Court
Robert Pattison's comment was definitely shade, IMO. I await the ruling of Shade Court
Word. I too, would make an amazing Elizabethan actor. I could play Queen Elizabeth in any movie, I look exactly like her with no make up on.
I too suffer from blonde eyelash syndrome. I also have very fair, skin which ensures that the morning bags under my eyes are purple if I don't put on concealer. Add in ponytail and throw a knit cap over the whole thing so you can't see my hair, and people look generally concerned about whether I can make it to my…
My one co worker asks me if I got punched in the face every fucking morning because of my under eye circles.
I think asking for us to beaten and killed less is not championing anyone.
I am legitimately surprised it wasn't Rihanna making out with a blonde model.
They're likely the same people who think telling women in public they're "prettier when they smile" is an act of civil nobility.
"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
They emphasize this statistic because it is in contrast to the usual statistics regarding women and gun violence. Whereas 15% of total gun homicide victims in the U.S. were female, 51% of the victims of mass shootings were female. "In at least 63 of the cases (57%), the shooter killed a current or former spouse or…
Because cops can totally empathize with wanting to beat the shit out of someone for being non compliant.
so only a rich man on a mission can ...
If someone pees in public they must register as a sex offender. If someone beats up their partner, the police doesn't give a damn, until there's one or more dead bodies. Why not make them register somewhere, too?
I have lots of complicated feelings about Michael Bloomberg, but thank God he's on this gun crusade. The Congress effectively forbids the ATF, CDC, the FTC nor any university to compile data and conduct research about guns, so only a rich man on a mission can provide evidenced-based research about the public health…
It's like the old saying:
I can't tell you how badly I want to see a termination handled realistically on a sitcom. Maybe it's the right man, but it's not the right time for them or for her, etc. And they'd struggle and bond and get through it. Dare I suggest that's not atypical for modern couples? And it'd be amazing if it challenged his…
Amen! Unfortunately, I think people not native to a culture tend to only notice the most obnoxious specimens of a foreign culture and make that their perception of that culture. New Yorkers see tight-lipped, tight-assed, closed-minded Christian conservative prostheletizers and think that the majority of people…
I actually like to egg them on in their dislike of the midwest, and how cold/empty/lame/culturally void it is. Stay on your coasts with your over-priced housing and horrid crowds and douchebags-on-the-make. Ick.
I'm from KC and I'm pretty sure that the asshole percentage of the population is about the same as it is anywhere else (ie shockingly high). coastal assholes just don't care to pretend they're anything but assholes, while midwestern assholes like to tell everyone how nice they are while shitting down your back
Or daily Hot Dish or some other sort of unspeakable canned soup-based casserole.
Sometimes you have stories that are easily encapsulated in the headline. Other times, you have stories that require…