Are women strong enough to take care of themselves, or are they not strong enough to take care of themselves?
Are women strong enough to take care of themselves, or are they not strong enough to take care of themselves?
Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.
Wiccans are big on personal responsibility. I don't think that is Lilo's strong suit, and could be a very hard lesson. But I'm sure she will find a fluffy group excited to have her that will cater to what she thinks she wants.
Stella is so amazing, and I love Gillian Anderson so much. That line in the bathroom about men being an abomination of the female form made me laugh so hard. But OHMYGOD I hate that little minion. Sooooo much ick!! I just want to slap the shit out of her (and then make her go to all the therapy).
All the ladies in the hairdresser were talking about 50 Shades and how hot he is, when I was there last week. I told them all to watch The Fall. I might be a little evil.
This is pretty much the same experience I had. I shout things like "Catch him, Scully, you can do it!" at my computer, it helps a little.
I fucking hate it when people use the term "white witch". You are either a witch or you're not. You don't need to be in a coven, unless you go down the wiccan route.
One of the big reveals of the Sony hacks was the studio execs discussing whether or not Michael Fassbender's penis could play Steve Jobs, so it's been in the works for awhile.
I'm late to the Stella Gibson love fest, but what I've found interesting is the reaction to the show of people I know based upon their gender. I've found women tend to love it, and men not so much. Pretty much most of the men I've discussed the show with thought it was too real and depressing which is also why the…
That, and the bit in the interrogation where she says something about "people who watch shows about people like you." As in, serial killers. Like, we're suddenly all complicit in this, and it's horrifying because it's true.
The "why are you watching this?" Paul Spector moment threw me. it was brilliant.
Don't think they do at this time, but apparently ISIS fighters are terrified of being killed by women, so that has been working in favor of the Kurds.
Another one of those time were Joe was speaking his mind and he realized he might get in trouble for speaking the truth. We need more Joe Bidens in politics. Possibly is life.
Ve-rih much the plan, glad you're on board.
Another great piece from She Who Stays Woke, Kara Brown, Our Lady Of Killing It, Teller of Truths and Dispeller of Lies.
Finish Asylum. One of the things that made it so great was its resolution. It wrapped up very nicely, in my opinion. And it was lots of fun to take a visual wardrobe journey through the 70s! :-D
Am I the only person who isn't that freaked out by this? Honestly, I would rather date one of these guys than one who acts like I'm infected and won't touch my crotch for 5 days out of the month.