
I would be remiss if I did not point out how amazing this guy is for being such a good wingman for his fish. You don't want to date him? Fine. He's got 23 fish to introduce to you. They are tropical as fuck and ready to mingle. No hard feelings.

Your (absolutely stellar) article on the NFL applies just as powerfully to college football. Hell, it applies to all the macho-culture male sports, and I say that as a veteran of one.

Cold. Freezing. Siberia cold.

Hillary, thank you to you and your colleagues at Jezebel for posting updates on the situation in #Ferguson. There is no coverage in the UK media and so I've been relying on Jezebel, Groupthink and Gawker for information.

So I take it that these street trolls are able to tell, just by looking, which visitors to the abortion women's health clinics are totally and for sure there for abortions, and which are there for:

It's taken me a long time to figure out why I hate being catcalled in almost every scenario but I think it's a combination of factors. For many women, when wanted/unwanted male attention starts, you're pretty young – a pre-teen or teenager. At that age, I didn't understand my own sexuality or really any one elses. I

My older, adult sister, and I were driving through Texas. My sister had fallen asleep for a while. I had stopped at a Dairy Queen for dinner and she woke up as I pulled in. I went to the bathroom while she waited in line. I got back and walked up to her at the counter, just as this exchange happened.

While driving to my grandmother's funeral I found myself lost in West Virginia. I grew up in a city so driving in what seemed like the backwoods of West Virginia had me terrified. Then I saw it. There was a baptist church that shared a parking lot with an adult video arcade. It was like my Grandmother knew how bummed

Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school

Chuck Grassley? Chuck GRASSLEY??!?!?!


So, I've been helping run a student led police and administrator sensitivity training workshop at my college. We, the students (including myself) who are on the panel are going to be discussing race and the recent Title IX case.

Now we'd see some action. You threaten an academic administrator with financial consequences? You'll see the problem taken much more seriously.

What you mention, but don't focus on, is that a defining feature of East Asians is their eyes, according to outsiders. When you're surrounded by Asian people in most Asian countries, you see that features like double eyelids are actually pretty common. So taking eyelid surgery as an example, someone choosing to

My BF claims to be a feminist but he is much more of a class crusader and a lot of that relegates to race. I am happy to have someone who talks and thinks about these things, even if occasionally, he can be a little less sympathetic to plights of women.
I can't deny that feminism hasn't been the greatest when it comes

I dont think it's unfair to consider the social fabric and the many struggles that different types of people bring to the table.

My boyfriend was watching this and we got in a pretty big argument about it. He wasn't condoning street harassment however, he said that the type of men in the video that she confronts were generally minorities and thus are already marginalized. So yelling at them in public about how offensive it is that they

This is where I live! I Don't Give a Fuck is my home - and it's fucking brilliant. I basically came to it as my only way to navigate the world without either going crazy trying to fix all the evil, or becoming a half-asleep automaton who never noticed or cared about anything. I am currently mentoring a younger woman

But hopefully we get some really great moments of Republicans railing against birth control. That 99% of the population uses. And maybe some of their reelection races are affected to the point that Dems maintain the Senate and gain the House and then it passes in 2015. C'mon, a gal can dream, right?

No it doesn't, but that's not the point. The point is to make it an election issue ahead of the midterms. Force the GOP to vote against, and explain why, keep the issue in the news cycle, and ramp up democrats and liberals to go to the polls at a time that their voting particpation declines (midterms) and when the