
I agree. It's not like they're having sex with journalists for positive reviews or anything. Just the exchange of cold, hard cash.

So Youtubers are being paid to advertise a game.... Why would they be allowed to say anything negative about it? Would you make a commercial pointing out a flaw in a product you were selling? No. Welcome to America and capitalism. I see no problem here.

I don't think you understand the "Literally Hitler" meme if you thought that I was comparing them to Hitler =/

He goes on to explain to the audience that if they didn't clap for feminism, "I don't believe you," because feminism is just men and women having equal rights.

I wonder: if I stole your suitcase, and there happened to be nude pics inside, did I commit a sex crime? Do I have to know about the pics? Does it matter if I copy and distribute or not? Keep in mind, I'm not saying this isn't or couldn't or shouldn't be a sex crime, but in matters like this it seems lots of factors

I have enjoyed this game far more than I ever expected to, mostly because of how solid the combat is paired with how wonderfully unique each orc is. I fought one yesterday that only spoke in rhyme. I did my best not to decapitate him, so he could come back!

If stealing nude pics is sexual assault, then what would it be if pics of JLaw eating dinner were stolen? Regular assault? The crime committed was theft (maybe voyeurism but even that's iffy cause the thief did not take the pics, just stole them). It just irks me to have to play the hyperbole game: "it's assault, it's

What if you looked at the naked pictures, but didn't masturbate to them?

No, it's just that their PR reps are women and take more time to render.

Ubisoft is having an awesome year with explaining things.

I think nothing can amuse me more than this one.

The girls. If you don't, you're a misogynist.

I believe DarkSyphos means a video call. Pretty hard to fake that. I mean, all YouTubers have a webcam of some sort.

Or, you know, a Skype call.

its because they waited until they actually played the game it was meant to be played before rushing a review out lol

The character designs remind me of something...

you know, I'm as liberal as they come and i see the inherent sexism in a lot of games. But if you carefully read what she said its pretty well reasoned and articulate. Except the oart about "killing male gaming culture.". I think its true that games exist in a broad spectrum. Probably broader than anyone gamer

I'm guessing they didn't ask you how to tame a horse?

Fuck off. Go back to CoD.

It's no use arguing with them. You can't please them no matter what you do.