
I think the Visual impact of gaming is being reduced from generation to generation. From now on the feature lists is whats going to truly show the changes.

NCAA is modern day slavery.

"Given the current business climate and costs of litigation, we determined participating in this game is not in the best interests of the NCAA."

This was a list of "20 Things You Might Not Know", not "20 Things You Should be Impressed By". Your cyncism isn't really necessary.



This is what life sounds like when you turn an Excel spreadsheet into an MMOG.

So is the ship gone, like forever? Bam bam see ya? That is pretty bogus if that's the case.

It is certainly annoying. seems like it is just one ass doing it.

Why do they keep repeating everything three to four times?

I liked you better when you weren't posting things.

Because Evangelion, being an anime series that required a series of films and re-boots to untangle the mess of self-congratulatory pablum that was the, "Congratulations!" "Congratulations!" "Congratulations!" ending is clearly a masterwork of literary genius, amirite?

Seriously, when you have to ret-con your ending

Right. It's not like it's hard to level up anyway. It takes very minimal effort to quest your way to the level cap. I wouldn't call getting to 90 'winning'. Now if they started selling tier armor and epic weapons, that's another story.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn comes out in less than two months and a cash shop has not yet been announced. It will definitely be subscription based.

SimCity, to me, is like going to a bar and ordering a few drinks. You look across the bar and you see a beautiful woman staring back at you. She comes closer, you buy her a drink, you get to know her and you start having a great time. After a few drinks you start to kiss, and there is some heavy petting.

Really? The $9 blimp DLC didn't get everybody excited again?

You heard wrong, everything about Simcity is a insult to gamers in general. From horrid launch week woes to a still fundamentally flawed game 4 months out. On top of that EA forum mods delete negative posts or sometimes go as far as to edit peoples posts to make them seem more positive than they are (I have had 2

So just going to speculate here and say EA must have noticed hardly anyone was playing when their $9 and $10 DLC was not selling as much as they hoped it would. Here is a crazy idea next time listen to your fans from the beginning and then once they are happy some folks will be happy to fork out that much for the

Naughty dog has already said they're done with Joel and Ellie's story. I'm glad too. There plenty of other stories that can be created within this universe.

Meh. No big deal.