George Costanza

I watched the trailer expecting to hate it [for a number of reasons], but this films looks fun.

I watched it. I didn't cringe. Thought the part at the end was kind of funny.

Hell, why not let him be editor of that, too? We could rename it Jezzabel.

I, on the other hand, I'm all for monogamy, I don't believe open relationships can work because of jealousy, insecurities which are fair common human emotions. But this article has really made me reconsider if they can work, as long as both people know what's going on, be honest with each other and realistic. This

I'd let her make me out of carbon fiber...whatever that means

I can predict the future. Everyone will say it's amazing but half will complain that it doesn't have a manual. Then the rest will say that this is a time-attack car so it needs a DSG only. Everyone will be blamed to be cheap and never buying new, therefore causing the death of the manual. All those who bought a new

Basically what it looked like in my child-like brain when I watched it live. Now what I see on TV..well.

I can see the headline now

Buying a $115k car?

So easy. Pshh any idiot can do that. His reviews are actually pretty good, though.

God I hate Prezi. It seems to make people think that an innovative presentation is synonymous with giving people motion sickness.

I'm sorry, it cannot be unseen.

2000 Jag XJR. 370hp. Current bid: $4050. Selling price probably in the low 5s:

Welding a broken car frame back together is just as unsafe.

Audi ripped off Jeremy Clarkson's Porsche.

So, we ran into the same issue we did last year which is: We love performance cars, we're biased towards them, they're going to do the best. In response to this we're going to be doing something similar to what Kotaku and particularly Gizmodo are doing with The Bests.

I feel like they truly enjoyed the country, and didn't want to paint the entire country in a negative light because of one faction of people. I respect that. They didn't even mention the trouble they'd have until the end of the first part. Had they spent 30 minutes on the attack/escape, it would have felt that they

Arguments about the Apple Tax are stale, bordering on outright false. Apple products aren't necessarily overpriced. They're just expensive. The same quality laptop from a different manufacturer might cost you the same.