George Costanza

Also, turn on the Director's Commentary. It's not intrusive but really good way to immerse yourself in a different way.

We have you figured Patrick. We knew this score was coming.

Why is everyone scared of AI. Sounds great to me.

It most likely will be a rear wheel drive biased system. So, not as much as expected will change.

From another angle they look to think, almost weird when open and seen from the back. But weird is good, weird is good.

There really needs to be a Muppet movie where they Catch the Great Dumb Terrorist (with GIGN)

Anyone else feel like there is something unnecessarily soft and mushy about the new C class. I drove a model a 2 months ago and felt like they went the wrong way on the scale of sport to mushy.

What would Senna say about this

Can you buy it with Gulf livery

No, it didn't work with the X6M and it won't work with this whale of a bad idea.

I like to think that BMW/Audi/Mercedes are offering stupid douchy useless cars so that the stupid douchy useless people that generally buy their cars and forget to use the turn signal and ruin people's cars' reputations buy the standout useless crossover cars so that the more enthusiast or old school consumer can know

I don't like the desired lifestyle concept because it caused me to pursue a business degree at first even though my skills were in economics and math, as well as the fact that I more independent worker and like to read. I can picture my working day but something that is manageable and enjoyable. Too many people who

I held out on Driveclub because of bad reviews and all the bad press, is it worth it at this point to jump back in.

I am okay. But what happened to the orange lightening on the speedometer, tachometer and climate/radio buttons.

I am confused at which Lexus competes with which M car. The Beluga whale competes with the M4 but the lighter one with the M5?

All are gold... except for the Shangri-La stuff.

I just sing All the Way to Reno by REM, in my head of course.

The paradigm shift at BMW is from high revs to better torque delivery. Its kinda of like the M1 and M5 brought cars that rev like racing cars to the road and now they are bringing easy accessibly awesome power to the world. I miss the high revs but I like the feel of all their new engines. The same footprint is in the

The Subaru thing is really the worst in my opinion. I mean regular non-car people were buying whether professors or granola bar manufacturers. But now they seem to want to attract the despots of the world. Why does every car besides the WRX and BRZ have to be boring. It can be cool and still sell like meth.

In the Mexican-American road trip Hammond would not stop talking about the Viper. It was May who didn't really talk about the Aston but I couldn't blame him it was kind of boring and already reviewed many times. As well, I think he had less on camera time.